Pics of the new legendry items?

Anyone found some of the new legendry items or blue prints? Please post some pics.

The above posts has their stats/description picture. I’d post some in game pics, but these assholes won’t give them to me D: I’ll show some in game pics if I happen to get them

That’s 3 uniques, weren’t there supposed to be 7? I assume those haven’t been found yet.
That Mad Queens claw is amazing for Poison Witch Hunters though.

The other 4 are epic derivatives of the legendary helmets.

Oh. Well that’s kind of disappointing.
Do all of the helmets (epic and legendary) drop from the Sentinel?

Yes, all the helmets are from the Sentinel.

Oh well, I thought they follow the usual legendary helm strategy (craftable only). Thanks for clarification)
Any insight on drop chance? Even approximate will do

They are only craftable. He drops the blueprints for the legendary helmets. He can be wearing the epic helmets.

I think it took me around 40 runs to get both blueprints.

Fair enough. Those blueprints and epic helms will not drop from throves or anything other than Sentinel? Also, I suppose the knife drops from the Queen only and is not craftable?
Thanks for info!

As far as I’m aware the helmet drops are exclusive to the Sentinel and the sword is exclusive to the Queen.

SS of the sword?

Here is my roll on the item (worst than Nine ofc) - perhaps Bysmiel hates me 'cos I haven’t played a pet build since D2 necromancer…

(0:15 is the drop)