Pierce Flames of Ignaffar theorycrafting

With those conversions and +2 inquisitor, you can make a pierce version of inquisitor’s best spell, Flames of Ignaffar :heart:

maybe if it had cast speed :stuck_out_tongue:

And energy regen…

I liked most about Nadaan reach 2H Blade Arc BM with ABB’s conversion because I like ABB :wink:

heh harp isnt too bad to fit into pierce devotions at least

Most of dmg come from DoT’s and pierce lack one :smiley:

Only half of it :stuck_out_tongue:

The way I understand it is even less then half. I could be wrong though.
For example 1st node at 26/26:

  • 0.3s skill recharge
  • 58% WD (let’s say 58 Fire Damage)
  • 162 - 206 Fire Damage
  • 771 Burn damage over 3 seconds

Burn is 771/3 = 257/s
I assume flat is applied every 0.3 seconds so Flat per second would be
(58 + [162 + 206]/2) * 10/3 ~ 807/s

This would mean DoT is a quarter of total DPS from the first node at 100% casting speed.
And only around 1/7 at 200% casting speed???
I’ve checked 2 Mechanics guides (:coffin:Malawiglenn’s and the new one) but they don’t mention it.

Sorry for offtopic, but i need to clarify FoI stuff.

  1. These calculation are misleading, as you don’t take in account that %crit dmg bonuses are direct multipliers for DoTs and not so much for flat dmg. Capped Intensify provide up to 75% crit dmg and its not so hard to reach 150%+ on FoI .
  2. In real world its nearly impossible to just stay in one place and cast FoI all the time. Any disruption will reduce flat dmg down to zero and will be irrelevant for DoT component.

W/o cast speed and a strong %WD modifier to FoI this sword just won’t cut as FoI weapon.

That decides it then…

There must be a foi conversion mod that changes the fx flames to a stream of Pb daggers with added weapon damage.

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At first it was a joke but here we are, first draft : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YZeAv5pZ

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How about Torchlight 2 shotgun-type of CDR based FoI ?

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if that had cast speed it probably would be alright