% pierce on weapons

Do they convert only the weapon flat damage or do they work like any other conversion (converting any/everything)?

Only weapon’s, i believe. Not sure, though.

All Flat phys dmg sources:) It’s the least it can do since pierce is kinda bad these days. Edit: to be more specific there needs to be some % weapon damage involved on the skill, like falcon swoop, or markovian advantage,cadence and deadly momentum dire beat, etc. But you can’t convert phys dmg from meteors for example

Really? Does it work that way with all conversion? Always thought that conversion converted EVERY flat damage, with %weapon dmg components or not. But if that’s the case only with pierce conversion, it makes sense, considering that your weapon is the source of conversion, so it wouldn’t make sense to convert phys dmg that doesn’t use your weapon.

You’re right, conversion works with all damage from all sources. The only thing player conversion doesn’t work on is regular pets, however it does work on player scaled pets like mortar traps, blade spirits, etc

It’s true that all other conversion convert ANY damage of corresponding type (regardless if that’s hit with that weapon, or another, or spell), and even DoTs. But Armor Piercing is a bit different from ordinary conversion…