Please increase Unstable Anomaly duration to 18 seconds

Build in question:

Mind you, this is strictly built for Vitality Blight Fiend, which means I can take advantage of Time Dilation to reduce the cooldown further. It clears SR75-76 easily enough, but man, in Crucible, it feels HORRIBLE. With all the cooldowns to manage (Blight Fiends, Reap Spirit, Primal Spirit, Call of the Grave), it becomes a giant piano, and with the Blight Fiends constantly throwing their puddles every 12 seconds, it becomes a laggy giant piano.

Compare to a near exact setup, but with Skeletons instead of Blight Fiends:

This set-up still occasionally dies in Crucible, but feels 100X better to play due to Skeletons staying alive (for the most part), and Primal Spirit having near 100% uptime. With all the QoL measures given to player-scaled pets like Wind Devils, it’s high time Unstable Anomaly receives the same treatment. Ghol doesn’t benefit from it as 2 permanent Blight Fiends are much more stable to play with than 3 Blight Fiends that fizzle all the time, and with an 8 second cooldown, it’s not like the extra duration is going to give us extra damage for free. It’s more like allowing us to keep steady damage while allowing our fingers to relax.


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