you present yourself as very experienced and tell another veteran (who made the best pet build) to ”learn your skills” and you also put this rule in place ”if i dont have a problem nobody has”
I’m not interested in getting into an argument over this, just going to point out that I’ve not made any “rules”, I’m simply, as stated previously, giving my personal views/ experience, no-where have I stated that because I don’t have a problem no-one else has… Would you rather I lie and say I’ve had problems when I haven’t ?
Still I’ve given my views and why I think this… no rules, no demands, just why this is my view. End of story.
You’re jumping to conclusions. I was simply describing how the behavior is different from other pet abilities, to illustrate what I meant by “targeting”. I described the behavior for both mouse click and hotkey use and never advocated for either use case.
Pet summoning isn’t AAR. Endgame pet builds aren’t standing there aiming their summons of all things - they’re rotating debuffs, they’re aiming specific-target spells like Reap Spirit and Mark of Torment, they’re kiting and repositioning, and they’re moving their cursors all over the damn place. Any Gladiator/Mogdrogen-caliber pet build already has plenty of skills with varying ranges, AOEs, cooldowns, etc. to manage simultaneously - none of them are standing there blankly while hovering their cursor, waiting to resummon pets. Adding the need to aim pets, with mis-aiming leading to failed summon and unwanted player movement, is a terribly detrimental change to how pet summons function.
Most active pet players here will agree that the most important thing when using activating a pet is for the pet to be summoned instantly, without fail, and for the AI to immediately take over so that the summoner can focus on other aspects of combat. Especially the hardcore players here who’ve already spoken about losing characters because of this “improvement”.
You’d rather summon skeletal archers and arcanists on top of enemies instead of letting melee skeletons use their charge skills to instantly dash into combat while your ranged skeletons fire from behind? :rolleyes:
A far more material advantage is this: not requiring extra management to ensure that your pets will actually summon, and not being punished when they fail to do so.
My apologies for misunderstanding that
This is where while I agree about the instant summon, I look at the rest differently (again just my view) and when I’m playing, yes it’s annoying as hell when my summons fail, but I look at it as it’s my fault for not being aware of where I’m aiming, not the games fault… to me it’s the same as when I’m playing any char that has a ranged skill, if I miss the target because my aiming is off it’s my problem. Same as if I fire at a target too far away then my char will walk into range and then fire.
If I feel that it’s worth sacrificing a few skellys so that they can attack from point blank range and hit that fraction faster… then yes. I like that I can aim just where I want them to be summoned.
Anyone else not getting the correct number of Skeletons upon summoning? I rarely get the full amount on the indicated tooltip.
They don’t all summon at once, they come in 3s. So if you’re allowed 6 you need to summon twice: 2x3.
If I remember correctly the hell hound and other summons use to behave this way (making you take the extra step to target an area) in early versions of the game but they changed it because people didn’t like it. Making those summons instant was a great thing. When I noticed the Necromancer summons made you click a target area l thought, ‘why are the devs taking a step backwards?’
I can understand the appeal of being able to direct where your summon appears, since it feels like it should influence combat. But in practical terms, the benefit actually lies somewhere between negligible and non-existent. I invite you to show me a video of an endgame fight (something on the level of solo Gladiator or ultimate Mogdrogen) where targeted summoning has one iota of improvement on the outcome instead of instant summon next to character. That video doesn’t exist, and won’t - between pets’ auto-targeting AI, pet movement skills, and the manual Pet Attack command, targeted summoning is redundant and provides no material improvement whatsoever during actual meaningful combat where the outcome is in doubt.
What does exist is the very real harm that this change is causing, up to and including hardcore character loss (as others have mentioned in this thread). I can’t imagine anyone weighing the cost-benefit of superficial gains versus demonstrable losses and deciding that targeted summoning should stay. Instant and fail-proof summoning is safe, is easy-to-use, and causes no harm; there’s no reason to take that away from pet builds only to replace it with something that can and already has caused harm.
I’m lucky that I’m playing softcore mode as my summoner has died many times to this.
Tell me about it…
I suffer from this on a daily basis LoLz
I’ve used this with Wind Devil just as to get a breather sometimes.
I would agree with u if Raise Skele skill was like D2 where melee & ranged skeles are separate skills. But as it is now I fail to see how simultaneously summoning both melee & ranged skeles directly into melee range of mobs & bosses is of any tactical advantage.
I prefer non-targeted summoning over targeted summoning.
Sometimes the screen is so full of visual clutter that it’s hard to tell where your cursor is at all times. And, when visual clutter is blocking your view of the ground or the scenery is blocking your view of the ground, you can have unwanted and unpredictable behaviors while trying to summon.
It’s a bit ironic that skeletons end up being summoned more often than other summons, in general, and yet the process of summoning them is more commonly problematic than for any other summons.
PS: I don’t see this as even being remotely close, if a poll was done. Nobody wants their summoner unpredictably wandering around or failing to summon pets when trying to summon them. As in, like, nobody. And, probably very, very few players would want to put up with that, in exchange for some essentially illusionary advantage of getting to choose where summons show up.
I do not get the problem. I merely press 6, my hotkey for skelletons, and they pop out of the ground at my cursor’s locations.
There are two problems being mentioned, both of which have at times affected my cabalist summoner. First, sometimes you click on a bit of scenery that doesn’t allow summoning. That means your efforts to summon simply fail.
Second, sometimes your mouse cursor will be further away than the range in which you can summon pets or in an unexpected location. When this happens, your summoner moves to the location in which summoning can occur, given where your cursor was when you cast the summoning spell, and then the pets are summoned. If you end up walking straight into swinging distance of something that hits hard, that can be game over. There are examples in this thread of people losing hardcore characters, so this isn’t “just theory.”
The second problem can occur either by misjudging distance or by temporarily losing track of your mouse cursor (which can happen when graphical effects are going off all over or if a bit of lag strikes).
PS: I haven’t lost my cabalist, at least not yet, but problems with summoning not happening as expected have on a couple of occasions made the journey more, shall we say, “adrenalin filled.”
Question for the folks who like targeted skeleton summoning: Are you advocating that the previously changed mastery summons go back to that method?
Since it’s so awesome…