Plz help me! I want to mod new skill

I need to mod a skill that when I use dual guns. When activated, that skill will release a series of bullets. Energy will be consumed every second from activation. You can imagine it like the arcanist’s albrecher ray skill, but instead of casting, the character will fire a series of bullets. I’m stuck and can’t find a solution. Up to this point, I have only seen the inquisitor’s chilling round skill which is relatively similar but it only fires 2 rounds of bullets. I want this skill to be released indefinitely depending on my energy. Or at least 50 rounds or more.

Take chilling rounds from Inquisitor ar any other weapon proc skill and change it to activate at 100% and add energy cost.
The effect will be the same: you holding down the attack button and will save your self a tone of time.

You might be able to fake it by taking drain essense skill, chaning the animation and adding a secondary effect that shoots projectiles. But it will probably be extreamly hard to sync the projectiles with the animation.
Or look at D3 mod where Demon Hunter(?) has a spin to win skill with guns, as that also somewhat meets your description

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Thank you for replying me. I have tried the methods you mentioned but the results are not what I expected

  • When changing the chiiiling round’s activation to 100%, it will fire continuously, but after firing 2 rounds at a time, it will lower its hand and delay a bit. What I want is for the character to fire bullets continuously without any delay
  • When I change the animation from drain essense skill, instead of shooting, my character casts and can’t insert the shooting animation.
  • I checked demon hunter and didn’t see any skills like what I wanted.
    Maybe you misunderstood me a bit. You imagine this skill will be like shooting a rapid fire on an AK or M16 gun. But it is used on dual guns and there is no delay between shots. Thus, this skill truly fires bullets continuously.
    I searched and realized that in the “skill special animation name” section of the chiiling round skill, this is what makes this skill fire more bullets per turn than other skills. Now I’m looking for a way to change that “skill special animation name” so that instead of firing 2 turns, it will shoot more turns. But I can’t understand. Why only need to enter the exact name string to change the animation instead of having to change the path to the animation file like other items?
    I hope you can help me explain what “skill special animation name” is? and how to look up or change the effects of those animations.
    I sincerely thank you

Here are the animation tables for the player. The spcial animation string will refer to one of the animations inside.

They are referenced in the file for player characters. It is similar for monster files.
You can also preview the animation with the Viewer tool in GD folder. First select the player mesh file then you will be able to see and play animations.

If you can’t find an animation that works for your case you are getting in the territory of creating your onw. Link to player model, but this is a far as I can help for animation creation :smiley: