Poll- What's your action RPG play style?

Just curious of what people like these days poll is above.

You can vote on multiples

I either prefer aoe or single target depending on the game. On grim dawn I prefer single target since boss farming is much better than killing packs of monsters.

I like AOE personally


Single target for sure. It’s just so much fun seeing bosses melt!

AoE in general. Theres nothing like seeing dead bodys flying all over your screen. :wink:

I mostly go for ST-DPS as I feel it’s better for bosses.

AoE DPS to set up maximum carnage!

Yeah the reason I posted the poll as multiple choice is because some love AOE for trash mobs, etc, and still love single target for bosses. They are even built for it, in which case you can vote for both.

I voted single and AOE DPS as I try to make builds that are quite good at both.