Possible to Mod NPC Armor into Illusionist?

Specifically i am hoping that the armor sets of Garradia & Matron Malostria of Coven’s Refuge, and that one Solael servant on the roof near the Conclave of the Three waypoint, can be somehow put into the illusionist so we can “wear” their armor. The only modding i’ve done so far is replacing sound effects. Surely this would be a bit more complex, but is it possible? Could it break the game?

Any info welcome.

Should be semi-reasonably do-able assuming that armor is, in fact, armor and not body meshes.

Just take the NPC armor and add it to some vendor or something, and then purchase that statless armor to get the illusion.

Actually, I’m surprised Crate hasn’t already done that given that there are already Vendors to give illusions of deprecated MIs.

Okay this sounds simple but i have no clue where to start. Which archive do i unpack to find out if it’s a separate armor file? Could i simply ask the dev or art director who created them? Where would i paste said file into? Really grateful for your response good sir, and sadly i don’t have the skill to take it from here. What’s the first step?

Curious if there has been any progress on this? I too am very interested in seeing something like this implemented.