Hi there!
[I can’t post links since it is my 1 post, but I hope you will figure how out to reach my “half-links” :P]
TLDR at the end.
I’d like to ask you for advice with my Warder. I have over 100h in GD, all with that dude, and I am lvl75 atm (I should probably be 85 already, but I like to take it slow and with no rush) So, at the begining I wanted to follow this guide “[B29] Ultos, the Melee Stormcaller - A Primal Strike Warder Build” by cadpgamer1992 on this forum, because I love primal strike and idea of 2h badass with lighnings everywhere around him. On veteran it was fine, but on elite I started to feel weak and my dmg wasn’t enough.
I realized that this build is very gear oriented, so I respeced to more physical dmg build with savagery, and here is what I am currently using:
grimcalc adress/build/VHSWPm
Now I prioritize phys dmg over lightning because I feel it’s easier to gear up with it (or am I unlucky with lighning gear?). I also stack as much attack speed as I can and resists. My devotions are pretty standard, more defensive than offensive, main attack skill is Tempest bound to Savagery. I also maxed Kraken cause of big buff for 2h in B31(and it’s phys dmg).
Generally speaking, it is doing fine on Elite but I can’t kill finall boss - I feel like I miss aoe dmg and sustain. (besides that I think that melee characters are a bit fckd vs Log (that poision attack omg!). I have almost all resists around 80%, missing only aether and chaos (around 40-50%). Anyway, Log is not my main issue, I will kill him sooner or later. I know that my mastery points and skills are not optimized around pure phys build but… I don’t want pure phys, I want lightning! On the other hand, I feel like savagery is doing overall better than primal strike at this moment in case of dmg. I can farm elite pretty well (ok, maybe clear speed would be better), but still - my dream is primal strike.
Am I missing something, or doing something wrong? I’d really love to make primal strike build working for me. Maybe core issue is that I don’t have good lightning weapon (when I have pretty good physical one)? Should I just patiently farm lightning gear with my savagery build, or is there something I can do to switch for primal strkie right now?
TLDR: How to make PS build viable in mid-late game?
Any advice is greatly appreciated!