Dear Developers,
I found something, what is not a classic type of bug, but some sort of game “breaking” design:
- At Tier 2, there will be unlocked the Armory. Armory needs iron ingots. However iron ingots will actualy be unlocked in Tier 3.
- The following buildings can be upgraded with iron ingots without necessity of upgrading Town center: Hunter Cabin, Work Camp. But in Tier 2, I cannot upgrade them, because I cannot create iron ingots. Trader never come along with iron ingots as standard.
- At Tier 2 there is a need of bricks. But the brickyard ist locked to Tier 3. There are following buildings, who can be upgraded with bricks without necessity of upgrading the Town Center: Stockyard, Storehouse, Forager’s Garden, Market. In particular the Stockyard and Storehouse, but even the Market should be able to be upgraded in Tier 2.
- As I can build a Bakery at Tier 2 wich need tools to work proper, I cannot produce tools at Tier 2, because tool production will only be unlocked at Tier 3.
- I can produce clay (with functionality) but iron ore on Tier 2 without any function. No trader like to buy iron ore (with a proper price).
- As the actual desing of the game offers an Armory at Tier 2, I cannot get iron ingots to produce armor. The “iron trader” sell iron ingots very rare to never (at my sessions at least). But I can buy armor every game session.
- Although there are buildings, who can and really must be upgraded on Tier 2 with bricks, I cannot produce bricks. But I can buy them in rare numbers for thousands of gold, as traders often not selling bricks as standard (but sometimes, every x years).
- I have a Bakery which needs tools, wich I can buy but not produce on Tier 2.
Conclusion and ideas:
- Foundry, Black Smith Forge and Brick Yard should be unlocked at Tier 2, while Armory could be restricted to Tier 3.
- Further idea: Black Smith Forge recipes might be restricted first and unlocked on later tiers, step by step: Tier 2 → Only tools, and crude weapons. Tier 3 → new: Heavy Tools, Weapons. Tier 4? → new: Heavy Weapons.