Problems about Eye of Reckoning

I was confused long time that the EOR always has high DPS on panel but the damage was not as strong as panel in actual combat.
I think there are some problems about EOR after my test.
1、the DW %WD didn’s work correctly.When you are playing a DW EOR bd,the panel of the damage of main hand and off-hand is not the actual damage.For example,if you has a 100 flat main hand weapon damage and a 100 flat off hand weapon damage and you get 100 global flat damage from armor、devotion、class etc,the panel dps is main hand 200,and off hand 200,which means the global flat damage works in both main hand and off hand.but in fact the actual DPS is main hand 100+off-hand 100 and global 100,the damage caculation seems similar with some non-target movement skill( Rune of Amatok’s Breath).The evidence of the conclusion is,when you use a 100% armor piercing main hand weapon and a non-armor piercing off hand weapon,the actual weapon damage part is all piercing type,which means the EOR and the Rune of Amatok’s Breath has same calculation type.
2、the actual attack frequency of EOR did not grow smoothly with AS.In my test,the 198 AS is a amazing improvement to EOR.The actual dps(kill dummy) between 198AS and 197AS may be about 20%(198 kills dummy in 44s and 197 in 53s).I wonder that is a common problem with EoR、FoI、AAR and Drain Essence and I’ll test later.

only EoR has the AS problem.

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