Project Cornucopia: The Unofficial Rebalancing Mod

So I just noticed, what’s up with Purified Salt/Imbued Silver not being allowed on rings compared to all the other components that were made to allow all jewelry? Is it just because of the auras, or the monster type damage bonuses as well? Because you still let Silvercore Bolts go on rings if it’s the latter reason. I was just hoping to be able to have access to the max resist increasing auras from my rings. This is especially confusing because the description in-game just says “jewelry” (means all jewelry on all other components AFAIK) instead of amulets and medals.

We’re updating the texts for stuff in the next release, to make them up-to-date with how we’ve moved stuff around.

As for why we disabled it from rings, yes, it is due to the auras, namely that we wanted Aether/Chaos to stay somewhat rarer to resist up.

Fair enough, wanted to make sure it wasn’t an oversight. I’m not sure I’d bother with them in the amulet/medal slot because of how many other good components there are for those, but maybe that’s just me.

I actually thought the same thing at first, but given the alterations to a lot of previously weapon-only materia being now usable on rings, I actually think that your weapon becomes a good attachment point for a resistance aura. Plus, having something like Shard of Beronath on a ring is just badass. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can verify most of my characters in Corn end up with terrible or low Aetherial resist values. I tend to build chaos oriented characters, so I haven’t experienced issues with lack-of chaos resist much. I actually have more difficulty with elemental resists until I can get the augments from the vendors.

@Doom and Ceno

Any chance you guys could take a look at shield Forcewave? It doesn’t scale into Ultimate at all, even with full point investment and some bonus skill points it hits like a puff of wind. I think on the most recent build I tried I wasn’t getting anything more than 2-3k per hit with it. I don’t feel as though boosting damage throughout the skill chain so that it actually did some damage would make tank/shield game breaking given the cooldown limitation. I suppose even if the initial hit was low but it did some egregiously ridiculous internal trauma damage might be fun too.

Also I was wondering if Etram Fald is on some sort of limited item pool? I’ve finally gotten around to farming for some of the new sets, specifically the Bloodrager items but I’m having a terrible time with RNG. In a desperate bid to shortcut the process I thought I’d go down to Etram. I ended up smithing about 200-300 armor pieces and they were all the same 20 or so items just repeated over and over and over again.

Finally, Doom and I have had some conversation about Amarasta’s Blade Burst, so he already has a donated character and some of my opinion on it but I found a new facet to it which confuses me somewhat; namely that Lethal Assault provides acid/poison damage bonuses but the base skill is entirely cold oriented. If I’m building an acid/poison focused NB I don’t feel a one point investment in ABB is a worthwhile endeavor just to leverage it to get to the Lethal Assault bonus. I’d much rather just avoid the skill chain and use a different item granted attack that actually has more single target damage and spend the points elsewhere.

Sure, I can look into it. There will definitely be very good Tremor support in v0.3.3 (:D), but I have long been aware that Shield Forcewave is largely lacking.

I am 99% certain that Etram Fald does have a limited item pool, though I do not know of that pool’s boundaries. Having said that, he is almost definitely incapable of crafting the legendaries in Cornucopia v0.3.2, given…

I think if you’ve been having correspondence with doom, it’s probably best that he offer his contextual insight here, but I’ll still leave my thoughts as well:

I don’t see a problem with the scenario you’ve described, largely because of the reasons you’ve put forth. With Cornucopia, we intend to create as much diversity as possible in as many ways as possible; so one character may wish to one-point ABB and max LA, whereas another character may wish to spend those points elsewhere on another avenue of damage output. Still others (namely, Cold characters) would want to max ABB. I think this interaction is fine.

Now, if the one-point ABB/max LA character suffers as consequence of choosing that route, then I’m all in favor of adjusting ABB to counteract that suffering. In my experience, however, having made a 1/12 Witch Hunter in the vanilla game, I don’t find that choice to be particularly weak. I’d welcome any argument otherwise, however.

Son of a…I click on this thread seeing a new post from Ceno hoping that it says 0.3.3 is up! But nooooo, my excitement gives way to melancholy. :frowning:

Yeah, I wish. :eek:

My bad.

I don’t see a problem with the scenario you’ve described, largely because of the reasons you’ve put forth. With Cornucopia, we intend to create as much diversity as possible in as many ways as possible; so one character may wish to one-point ABB and max LA, whereas another character may wish to spend those points elsewhere on another avenue of damage output. Still others (namely, Cold characters) would want to max ABB. I think this interaction is fine.

Now, if the one-point ABB/max LA character suffers as consequence of choosing that route, then I’m all in favor of adjusting ABB to counteract that suffering. In my experience, however, having made a 1/12 Witch Hunter in the vanilla game, I don’t find that choice to be particularly weak. I’d welcome any argument otherwise, however.

Fair enough. I haven’t tried the 1/12 ABB build because it seems counter intuitive to me that such a build could be viable given the(/my) perceived problem with ABB not scaling very well at only one point in comparison to other options such as slotting in a Whetstone or Oleron’s Blood and using it the same way. I’m working on an acid melee build Witch Hunter, so based on your experience I may play around with a 1/12 distribution.

Brimstone Shoulderguards (the un-empowered level 30 version) seems to be bugged. Just got a pair giving 105 physique in addition to other more “normal” stats.

Edit: Looking at the empowered version it seems the physique value should be health instead.

For some reason after installing this mod (now it is possible it has something to do with my noobish tendancies with installing mods to grim dawn) but stash and character do not seem to be saving when you leave game… What am I doing wrong?

Sounds like a read-only issue. Can you confirm that it doesn’t happen in the main campaign? And check that Documents/Games/Grim Dawn/save/Cornucopia002/ (or 003/) isn’t set to read-only, though that should only affect your stash, not your characters. Also check that Documents/Games/Grim Dawn/save/user/ isn’t set to read-only.

I don’t know what the issue was, but once I did a symbolic link to the character main folder and copied the player.gdc and the .bak file it worked… Idk whats the issue.

I’ve to say that this has a lot of potential. If I could suggest a thing(single class viability aside):

I am bothered by how…chaotic the rewards for constellations are. Why does Eel give 5(!) points for mere 3 points spent? While Hawk or Jackal are fair and give you 3 for 3. Also, I do understand that there are “resource generator” constellations(before mentioned ones, mostly) and “resource consumer” constellations(things like Magi which greatly impact the right kind of build), but…say, a Revenant gives 1 + 1 as a reward for 6 points while a Kraken gives 2+3 for 5 points? What the everloving…?

Also, how some “ultimate”(Abom, Dying god etc) constellations require differing amount of resources yet having a similar impact on affected play styles(DG is 15 / 8 while Abom is 18 / 8? Blind Sage is 18 / 10 and Leviathan 13 / 13? The fuck…?).

There’s absolutely no order when it comes to constellations. They are so…elementally done. Raw essence, next to no form.

There are tier levels of constellation requirements. The naive approach is to organize them into Tiers 1, 2, and 3, with Tier 1 requiring one affinity, 2 requiring more than one affinity but less than ten affinity, and 3 requiring more than 10 affinity and rewarding nothing.

A more intricate approach to the scenario is to categorize each constellation by precisely how many affinity of its lowest requirement it requires. In vanilla, Revenant and Scales of Ulcama, for instance, require 8 affinity; Blades of Nadaan and Oklaine’s Lanter require 10. It’s more nuanced, but more accurate, too. A keen eye may notice that Revenant requires 8 Chaos affinity, which is the same amount of Chaos affinity required to reach any other Chaos-associated constellation, even the ‘naive’ Tier 3s (Aeon’s, Dying God, Torch, Abom, require 8 Chaos and something else; SotH requires 7 Chaos).

Eel and Lizard both reward 5 affinity for 3. Hammer, Hound, and Scholar’s Light reward 4 for 3. There are efficiencies scattered throughout Devotion, and are sometimes worthwhile choices for builds looking to the ‘naive’ Tier 3 devotions, but they are largely nonessential even in that situation. Spider is the only constellation that rewards 6 affinity (for 5 points spent).

Point being, nonuniformity results in build variability. If all constellations could be divided into Tiers 1, 2, and 3 and each rewarded equivalent levels of affinity, then there would exist some path to the Tier 3 constellations for a given build that would always be better than some other path to the same Tier 3 constellation for the same build. As it is now, that may still be the case, but it’s more unlikely as each constellation presents different bonuses and different amounts of affinity to reaching different amounts of required affinities.

In regards to single class viability, that was actually a goal of Cornucopia, and I think we’ve accomplished it well enough by breaking the mold of 38 Health/Energy points distribution as seen in the original masteries (each vanilla mastery divies up 38 points between health and energy per mastery point; we’ve unregulated that number and let some masteries reward a varying sum of points per mastery level).

Ok, fair enough. But you’ve got to admit it is random.

As for the changes, I’ll admit that I didn’t even think them through fully(a LOT of time for that), but I saw that Pox got perhaps tripled in strength(and some other changes I like) and I decided to try it. I think you’ve handled this well enough. What are your thoughts on “Fevered Rage”? It says that it “more than doubles the damage Pox does”, but we all know that is not true.

If I had any wish(outside of improbable realm), it’d be to revise which skills are able to go on LMB(it infuriates me that Pox can’t go there-not even with that Deathwish modifier of its) and I’d especially LOVE if Good looking mod and Cornu were able to work together.

You’re not playing Cornucopia if you are seeing those constellation costs. All ultimate constellations in Cornucopia cost 20.

So I think you may have the wrong area of the forum?

I was talking in general. Good to see that Ceno fixed the cost of ultimate Constellations(Abom etc). Because in retail, that is one big mess lol.

Besides, I am playing Corn. How come? Well, Pox deals 12(or so) base damage as opposed to Retail’s 3(or 4). Plus all the other modifications. Distortion Magic Missile mod giving +% Ele dmg, not +% Fire dmg etc.

Obsidian War Cleavers always generate with +Forcewave and +Internal Trauma, yet they’re more desirable for chaos builds because of the base chaos damage they inflict. I’m just wondering if there’s a lot of Witchblade Tremor builds going on in Corn with Obs Cleavers? Also, why would you do a Witcblade Tremor build with an Obsidian Cleaver when you can use Obsidian Juggernaut without the point cost of the Forcewave skill line?

War Cleavers are being refocused from Forcewave to Blade Arc in v0.3.3.

There will be a 2H M.I. for Forcewave in v0.3.3, however…but spoilers. :stuck_out_tongue: