Question About Blacksmiths/crafting

Just got the game earlier today and im really enjoying it so far.

I have been hoarding items thinking they will somehow help me in crafting with the blacksmith, tho i dont see an option to turn items into crafting mats.

Please dont tell me ive made 8 mules and got them to Devils Crossing just to hold items for nothing, haha. Is there a way to turn unwanted items into crafting mats to make things that i want?

At the beginning of act 2, you unlock the ability to break items into scrap and random components. The process costs dynamite, however, and is only worthwhile for epic and legendary items. There’s no reason to hoard anything below blue, imo.

So, all the grays ive been hoarding to turn into scrap i can sell? lol. Hoarding for nothing.

Pretty much, you can also sell most yellows, and maybe save some greens that have the right prefix/suffix you want.

But those mules will come in handy when you start swimming in epics and legendaries!

cough GD Stash cough


Don’t hoard common gear, no point! Worth diddily

Use GD stash or similar, there’s 3-4 programs to handle stash stuff in the utilities forum or hell even do it manually. It is WAY better than creating mules, you will save so much time