Question about Grim Tools and affixes

I saw this on the steam forum: “NB: Not all prefixes and suffixes can roll together on gear as some exclude the other from rolling complimentary stats for balance reasons.”
And someone in a local Grim Dawn group said that “MI with two rare affixes = GD Stash”.

Does Grim Tools automatically removes the affixes that can’t go together, or do I need to keep an extra eye on this stuff since I thought that “if it I can do it in Grim Tools, I can get it in-game”?

As far as I am aware, Grimtools has everything as the game has, so if you can make something “Durable” “of Kings” in Grimtools, you can get that in the game.

“MI with two rare affixes = GD Stash” is like saying “if someone gets more than 5k$ a month, he’s robbing others”.

Grim tools is almost always right if not always on affixes.
As for double rares not all of them are gd stashed as they do drop they just are very rare on m.i.'s. So you have to farm them regularly. Doing a couple runs and crying nothing drops isnt farming.

There’s actually a way higher chance of getting a double rare MI than finding a shiny pokemon. :smiley:

This is most definitely true as I have never found a pokemon shiny or dull and have had many double rares drop over the years.

Thank you both for the answers :slight_smile:

There are only a few exceptions for double affixes on items, like you can’t get Plaguebearer’s Master’s Spellblade Of the Abyss, just one of these affixes.
Anyway don’t listen people on weird places like on steam discussions, in 99% they know nothing about real farming.

Yeah, thanks for the example. I just tried to make this item on grim tools and when you press the save buttom the only mod that was aplied was the Plaguebearer’s.

Green recipes can only have 1 affix

Is there an overview somewhere of combinations that can’t drop?

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I’d recommend testing the item on Grim Tools. If a combination can’t be made you can’t make it on grim tools.

There are some items that you can do in Grim Tools that will not exist in game. Like I have tried to find green MI shields with “of attack” and it does not simply seem to exist