Question : aether PS 2H melee build

Hi guys,

First of all thanks for all your amazing work that keep me learning how to build my characters.

I want to try an PS 2H melee build. I’ve see the conduit who permit this build to be viable, but all i see so far, people prefer to use a 2H ranged for this, who doesn’t feel the same to me. Aside for kiting perspective, is there a 2H weapon who can match this rifle (even green one).

And second, are we all agree that Druid is the best class for this project ?

Thanks for your time!

my guess, (without looking for posts about it to confirm), would be either Korvan Storm halberd with Aetherfire prefix/Shattered Reality suffix (rare), or Lucious Blade arm, or Myth Temporal Arcblade? :thinking:

maybe Lucious Blade arm isn’t as hot a contender since the flat dmg mod got shifted away from Arcanist tho ?? :thinking:

Temporal Arcblade can be a good candidate if pairing with Arc, otherwise Screaming veil if pairing with Necro.

Arcanist has Fabric of Reality, while Necro has Spectral Wrath.

Temporal Arcblade Aether PS Druid

Didn’t test it, stats are a bit low for my taste.

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Aether PS Vindicator

Aether PS Ritualist

Ritualist should have highest performance, druid for ease of play with few buttons

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