First of all thanks for all your amazing work that keep me learning how to build my characters.
I want to try an PS 2H melee build. I’ve see the conduit who permit this build to be viable, but all i see so far, people prefer to use a 2H ranged for this, who doesn’t feel the same to me. Aside for kiting perspective, is there a 2H weapon who can match this rifle (even green one).
And second, are we all agree that Druid is the best class for this project ?
my guess, (without looking for posts about it to confirm), would be either Korvan Storm halberd with Aetherfire prefix/Shattered Reality suffix (rare), or Lucious Blade arm, or Myth Temporal Arcblade?
maybe Lucious Blade arm isn’t as hot a contender since the flat dmg mod got shifted away from Arcanist tho ??