Question for SR players : How do you deal with Moosilauke as a melee character?

The damage is really good honestly, and the sustain is too. The only weakness is burst damage, which is obviously big at shards 36 and 38. Really I was just too ambitious, it makes sense I will have problems surviving at 38, it’s insanely high and its a wonder this build even got there.

Welllll… sometimes he might disagree about what melee is in my experience :sweat_smile:
When I’m on top of him with some ranged char he sometimes just hits me in the face with his full shotgun. But if you’re further away it’s really easy to avoid.

Vanilla Nemeses in general become really nasty in high SR shards. I’d rather get any expansion Nemeses over Moosilauke, Fabius or Valdaran.


It’s probably coded in a way it checks if it’s being hit by a ranged or melee attack. So even if you are in his melee range if you are hitting him with a ranged ability it’s going to trigger.

The holy trinity of my run enders, hate them with a passion.

This is my personal nemesis :stuck_out_tongue:

His shadow strike is unavoidable unless you time it extremally well which is more of a coincidence than a skill because you can’t see him… I don’t like unavoidable attacks…

And with some chars you can’t see his barrier due to the visual mess… He just becomes unfair.

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I agree that Fabius is among the most annoying deep SR enemies to face.

But it’s easy to avoid his Shadow Strike by using pets/summons. Take the Shaman’s Wind Devils, for example; they will always follow Fabius even when he’s “invisible”, so you can look at them to know Fabius’ position and then successfully evade towards him and never get hit by the Shadow Strike again.

If your class does not have any type of pet/summon, you can craft a Nemesis relic, for example, and temporarily use that summon as an indicator of Fabius’ position. Other items and devotions can work as well.

Don’t let Fabius be another monster nerfed after I learnt how to deal with him.


DOTs also help.

Just see where the floating numbers pop and you can track any invisible enemy.

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Not true. If you close in fast enough he won’t shadow strike you.

You can see your health plummet :rofl: That’s how I usually notice.
Worst situation imho is when you depend on adcth, he puts his barrier up and his blade spirits start hacking away at you.

But I agree, it’s ok. There are worse things out there.