Question regarding SR


I have some questions regarding SR

  1. The SR Armor Set… can I get in Ultimate Difficulty only? Or would it be possible to buy it on normal/Elite?

  2. Rewards in general - do they differ in Ultimate/Elite/Normal?

  3. How much Armor/Overcapped Resistances should I have?

This is my current build:

It lacks some OA/DA and I’m not sure in which res I should invest further. Any hint? As I don’t have any augments on armor pieces yet, I can still improve any res if needed quite a fair bit.

Try to overcap acid res by 25-30 at least.

Chaos res by around 20

DA about 200.

As far as I know the set is only available on Ultimate, though someone did say their friend had bought it in Elite.

Ultimate only

They differ a lot. Generally speaking, farming SR in elite and normal isnt worth it, just like farming Spirant and Challenger Crucible.


Thanks a lot guys, really appreciated :slight_smile: