Question regarding Thermite Mines


The DURATION of RR is not stated in the Thermite Mines tool tip.
Does the RR apply as long as

  • foes stand inside the thermite mine radius or
  • as long as they are burnt by it?

As long enemies are in the radius of the mines.

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Mmm dunno why i always thought that the debuff lasted a while even after the enemy stops standing in the minesā€¦ Guess that makes them far less reliable for casters since they tend to move more and so the enemiesā€¦

Yeah, its semi optimal. But (i guess its infernal knight?) thereĀ“s items that increase the radius by 1m, and you cast them in triplets, so it works quite fine. Its my standard attack for endgame trash. At least the burn lasts after they leave the mines.
Thanks for the answers!