Question: viable Auramancer builds based on Occultist?

… so not really an Auradin (Paladin) that I have already found.

I also saw Auramancer builds based on Occ, but based around patch 1.1.4.X and below.

So, question to the veterans: is there a good LIGHTSHOW (not necc. HC viable, I am a good pilot :wink: ) Auramancer build based on the newer/newest patches?

From what I see, Witchhunter for Cold (Nights Chill) or Pyromancer for Fire/Lightning, also possibly ONE of the two, Sentinel or Deceiver seem to have options.

Which has the best Lightshow and is still playable, any ideas or links for me? Would be highly appreciated.

Define viable :wink:

delete Vi, only use able… in the sense of ‘working at all’.

Don’t worry, just suggest. I can make it viable if at all possible. If not… well, the greater the challenge :wink:

The build you’re looking for is Cataclysm Deceiver. Don’t think anyone updated it recently because it’s regarded as weak.

Old version can maybe be found here:

Calling it Auramancer would be quite misleading though, it doesn’t really deal damage with an aura and neither it is 100% passive. More correct term would be proc-based build.

Good. I saw this thread, your linking it shows it is the right Build to look at.

‘Weak’ is only a welcome challenge!

Yes, REAL Auramancers are not, what the developers wanted. No matter, I will check, what can be done with it.

Edit: no, Link is Paladin… so I will have to search the forums for ataclysm Deceiver then? I’m on it!

You can check Heretic’s builds (he made a lot of builds with visual effects on all Crucible) here or on his YouTube channel - maybe you will find the one you are looking for.