Just reached level 78 and started ultimate difficulty. I’m always dying and can’t really progress at all.
Should I just farm items on elite until get some upgrades ?
Heres my dude https://www.grimtools.com/calc/62a3rYOZ
Your resistances are too low - the game assumes that you have them capped by now (means at 80%) or at least close to the value. If your resistance is around 20%, you will get 4 times the damage of the expected damage - which than can lead to a rather quick death.
Your armor is a also bit on the low side (but you will not have huge values with this character), your armor absorption is only 78% (means, from the damage which could be blocked by the armor, still 22% reach your character). But the low resistance values are likely currently your most pressing issue.
Your component choice can also still be optimized (e.g. belt armor is added to all armor slots - so having there additional armor is more important than a bit life), one ring has no component and you still lack augments on most gear slots.
If you play really careful and try to avoid being hit, you likely can play (and die from time to time) in Ultimate - but if you have no fun either playing that way or dying often - you should try to get better gear before playing in Ultimate.
This e.g. could be a slight improvement (exchanged your gear only with faction gear and farmable MI’s as well only some skills) - Purifier, Level 78 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator - still far from being optimal, but in Elite you would have all resistance at 80% - with luck and a bit of farming, both MIs (belt is craftable, MIs have no affixes in grimtools) can bring them to 80% even in Ultimate. The character still does not use augments on armor, which however should be used (but depends on your current faction standing), so there is room for improvement. And never forget, a level 50 legendary item is often worse than a level 70 green item, especially monster infrequents can be rather powerful, faction gear itself is in certain cases also rather good.
I was looking at the link and couldn’t figure out what’s wrong as everything looked fine to me for Ultimate
Then I looked at resistances When I was leveling my last char, I had armor augment with resistances in every slot at 78 level:
- Poison and Pierce res augments from Devil’s Crossing and Rovers which would help you as well
Also use resistance components, most notably:
- Antivenom Salve
- Silk Swatch
- Soul Shard
- Aether Soul
- Kilrian’s Shattered Soul (also %damage and attack speed)
- Prismatic Diamond (worth the price for a great proc)
More armor, Blast Shield and Inquisitor Seal will help later down the line after you fix resistances (when you have more skill points).
I just have no words for how helpful your response is. I enjoy the game very much and I am just now realizing how deep the mechanics are. I did not even know about augments until a few hours ago.
Thank you very much.
Just a crazy leftfield suggestion as I have a similar build and this worked for me…
Replacing the component on your guns might give a lot more damage. I found using Hell’s Bane Ammo (the Lightning one) on both my guns was better. This is because the ability it gives you (Electrified Weapons) is great and can be double-enabled, as it stacks with itself. This adds 40-120 flat Lightning (per gun) and increased my damage with Fire Strike by about 15% (compared to Devil-Touched Ammo). Might be worth trying.
I sometimes like to use Haunted Steel on such characters.
More leech and Ghoul-like skill to use, when Ghoul is on cooldown for example.
Thanks a lot !
so do you need wd on skill or it works with skills like drain essense
That’s right
Hello. I can advise you to redo it this way, the only thing is I’m not sure if you have all the components I used. All things (except relics and boots) are tied to certain mobs, you’d better farm on the elite, of course. I selected the parameters on green things in order to close the resistance and problem areas. I remade piety a little, it will definitely be better than before ))
so i need wd on skill,not realy familiar with game mechanic
Sorry my answer was misleading, I answered with “Yes” to a “this or that” question
Yes it only works with skills that have WD on them.