I understand that the towers are not working exactly as intended. Especially the Fire and Ice ones and there will be something in the Hotfix for that.
The stonewall and Vanguard buff both you and your pets. The wouldn’t be helped by any buffs from you anyway.
The Ice and fire towers are more about CC. Ice would stop things from swarming you and the Fire one may kill stray trash which probably helps more with the time score multiplier. I don’t think they receive bonuses from you and will Mostly benefit from the dubuffs that you apply. But I am just guessing on this.
The storm tower, maybe someone else will say how much it debuffs, I don’t know this.
Stonewall buffs you and pets, as does Vanguard. Both work just fine, and are plenty powerful for their jobs of buffing the user.
The elemental towers are a bit busted though, and far too weak. As is, you get 3-4 tower slots on each map, which means both player buffs, which are 100% necessary on higher difficulties, and 1-2 of the elemental ones. Only issue, the fire tower isn’t consistent enough in higher difficulties, Ice one is just a joke because higher difficulties have innate freeze resistance on anything that matters, and more importantly than that, you need clear speed on most of the waves. So why would I want something that makes enemies take LONGER to get to me? That is hurting my score. Third, Storm tower is the only one that actually helps the player, via debuffing target resistances… but it sometimes bugs out, and will target the player. Which is a no go. Meaning your best bet, after at least challenger difficulty anyway, is just to stack more player buff towers, to ensure better coverage as you move around. Lower difficulties probably are best just stacking more Fire towers, as they can actually 1 shot most trash waves rather reliably, so it’s ok there. As long as you are fine with spending 60k bits and 25 tribute points per tower, anyway.