Raiders seemingly bugged

I honestly don’t know if its me or what but since the latest patch, raiders have seemingly gone on vacation when it comes to attacking your town. I’m not sure if its just a Vanquisher thing or if it is affecting all difficulty modes but i’ve tried custom settings, no custom settings, multiple maps but raiders attack me MAYBE once and then they never seem to attack me again even though I get multiple pop up saying they are going to attack. Currently the map I’m playing, I’m on year 12 about to go on 13 and haven’t been attacked once… That isn’t something thats ever happened on Vanquisher setting for raiders…

Anyone else having this issue in the latest patch?

Well I finally got them to attack but it wasn’t til I upgraded to Tier 3… So I don’t know if I’m just going crazy or there is some weird bug when it comes to Raiders attacking before you upgrade your town hall to Tier 3

Have you been clearing raider camps? They push back the “off map” raids one year.

Could you please upload the save that had the 12 year raider drought?

Saves are located in:
C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\Saved Games\Farthest Frontier\Save

Zip up the entire TownName_###### folder along with the .map file and .sav that reproduces the issue. If the files are too big, you can use a service such as Google Drive to share it with us.


Hopefully that works, its currently on Year 15. If i remember correctly it wasn’t til like year 13 or 14 did they finally start attacking and it was pretty much right after I upgraded to Tier 3 town hall… Before that I would get the “Raiders are amassing on your borders” pop up but they never actually attacked and I never killed a raider camp since I started the map

How many raid camps have you taken out? That delay’s attacks but the algorithm will eventually realign and attacks will happen more frequently, not less.

not a single one, I only explored and uncovered them

We have identified the issue and will address it in a future update. Thanks for the save.

thank goodness, I thought i was going crazy