Ravenguy flying

I love the showcase for the berserker and I cant way to play it but idk if its too much to ask, but I think it will be cool to make the character fly/hover above the ground during ravenform instead of walking/running i dont know if its viable.
during the stream it was mentioned that bigger wings are needed to fly but I still would like to see my character flapping wings and hover around instead of walking just to add more flavor but its not a deal breaker


Flapping wings could be used to extend the range of leap-type skills, like a chicken.

How many weeks after release until the first werechicken mod then?

Wereraven currently looks like an oversized chicken. Zantai mentioned in the stream it’s due to be able to suffer the ground effects ( if i understood correctly), but there is not such problem with C’thon animation in Loyalist Pack, so i think it should be definitely reworked in a similar way.

Hardly. It has arms.

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In fact, I like to see him walk, he reminds me of a certain druid from WoW, if they make him fly there will be no shortage of requests that he should overcome obstacles for this very reason.

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Flight effects for Leaps and Dodge would be cool. It looks great already, and I like the Werewolf and Wereraven distinct footprints in the sand and snow.

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Im going to be totally open with you guys…please dont roast me, but the only thing I liked about d3 was the chicken build you could make with the witch doctor, it was so silly :rofl:

also Im probably will be called furry, but werewoves could have tails
