Rebalanced Levels

To install, you should extract the mod in the “mods” folder of the game directory. If you don’t have one, create one.
Also, you can only use characters from custom games with mods.
They’re kept separate from the ones of the main campaign.

I also added a few more informations concerning the mod at the bottom of the first post

Just because we didn’t respond doesn’t mean we ignored your post. And just because you post something you think is great doesn’t mean we have to incorporate all of any of it. But I’m happy to tell you that your feedback has been read and discussed.

Thx for this little neat mod! :slight_smile:

but, whats wrong with all these pseudo-elitists in this thread complaining about it? imo one of the weaknesses of even Titan Quest was, that having to spent a lot of (early) skill-points into the mastery/ies, so you either had to concentrate on one mastery for the first 30+ levels or didnt have the feeling of actually improving your character by beeing stuck on 1 or 2 skills for the first half of your game…
now having to invest even more points in your mastery and skills makes this one-sided feeling even worse - i finished normal mainly by spamming 2 skills which wasnt really that joyful at all.
I love having access to plenty skills at once, at best most of them are (highly) situational, so i’ve to choose the correct skill for the given situation - and that is what made TQ great at later levels:
“yeah, i have maxed Squall for Ranged enemies, a well skilled Spell Breaker for high-mana and/or buffed foes and i can still max out damage spell X/Y while i can still use those situational anti-undead skills from the spirit mastery to refine my gameplay.”

thus: more options, more room for skilled plays and more possibilities for out-of-the-box builds!

I’m in the process of trying to create my own mod to do something similar. If I may ask what Assets/Database files did you have to edit to change the skill points per level?

I’m not OP, but it’s the playerlevels.dbr file in \database\records\creatures\pc\ you are looking for.

hi, so i was very happy for this mod, but i have a problem, i can only get 1 point of devotion
and for some reason, i cant use the gdstash tool, it keeps saying wrong directory when i try to set the general settings
well thats not why im here, can you fix the devotion points problem? i installed the uber rebalanced level plus mod, so maybe thats the only one with the problem i dont know
thanks in advice, great mode, broke as i like it
btw: can the max devotion points be increased as well? if that its the case, i will love that to be included
have a nice day/night

Hi, i started using your mods recently and noticed that the maximum Devotion Points in the tree is one.
Is that a bug of the mod or normal with custom games?

First of all, great job starting a mod.
secondly, your last version of the mod, UberRebalancedLevelsVanilla isn’t giving out 2 stat points per level and only 1 devotion point, and no more. Might want to fix those.

It’s more of a loose testing ground than anything. Which is great for indecisive players like me, or those that like to look for weird combos but don’t have the time to cheat/level things.

I guess that it have to do with the most recent update of GD. I hope the OP does fix his mods.

Wouldn’t hold your breath, OP hasn’t been here since March 2017.

3 years later, I’m back

Here’s a quick fix for the mod, I didn’t update it after the first expansion, which is why it was having trouble with devotion.

Here’s the link, can’t upload the file directly or edit my first post since my account was deleted.!5hpAHATL!C2qnpGyCmrcx4YrMQMwUQOACFmnPPv11zETtp3MBkq4

Only one file for now, about 400 skill points total, 72 devotion points max (one for each shrine) and still 2 stat points per level for +5 instead of 1 for +8.
Based on “uber plus” since it was the most downloaded at the time (don’t know how it went after first expansion)

If people want something more along the line of the “vanilla” one or anything inbetween, let me know, I’ll check from time to time and upload another file.
Might even start a new thread to claim it.

(I’m not sure how the editor work, I’m not that good with modding, so the new file might not work without the Ashes of Malmouth expansion, but I CAN make another one that do if needed)

In all honesty this is somewhat OP. My ideal version would be simple 3 skill points from first to last level.
It is possible to do this as file that can be drooped into GD installation folder, so it’s always active? I would prefer this to mod, because lately I basically stooped playing after veteran because of boredom. Not enough fun when levelling later on.

So, this mod breaks devotion. I’m not getting devotion points from shrines.

Thank you for the update, I’ve been having a lot of fun with your mod.

It seems the latest update of your mod disables FG achievements for some reason. The FG achievement tab is simply gone on my end (which is not the case for the 4 original uploads). Otherwise, mod is great, and devotions are working as intended.


This seems to be working for the skill points however… At the second devotion shrine under Devil’s Crossing, the one during the water purification quest, when you cleanse the shrine the Devotion point is not awarded.

sorry the thread header was not updated, since I successfully downloaded and added your playerlvls to dawn of masteries and only then found a piety error))

So after installing this mod I have 1/1 devotion points and its bugged. How would I go about fixing this?

You can’t. The mod is outdated and doesn’t work properly any more.