Reduction to Enemy's Health

Does “XX% Reduction to Enemy’s Health” stuck ?
Thanks for answer

Nope, no debuff with “reduced” stack

Mehh :confused:
Thank you anyway

most monsters that this stat is useful for has very high resistnace to this anyway

Thank you, it’s good to know not to go this way.

But it’s not debuff. It’s kind of direct damage.

Its kind of useless anyway, just like in TQ.
Weak enemies, which are prone to this, don´t see a difference with it, since they get blasted with and without it.
Tough enemies, where it actually would make a difference, are close to immune to it.

In TQ though I remember, I once made a staff character that was extreme-stacking reduction_to_enemies_health. In the end it was as good as conventional damage types.
Wanna say: I don´t remember the exact wording back then in TQ times (“reduced” or something else), but in TQ one could stack this damage type.

I remember medierra saying this was a secondary source for damage. I guess it has relevance as long as you are struggling with your damage output and basic mobs can be threat to you, but…

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To add to everything said above, I personally count it as a leftover stat from TQ, like damage reflect and sleep. Reflect is now only present on Mark of Torment if I’m not mistaken, and it doesn’t do anything of note, but on reflect enemies it’s broken asf for trauma builds.

Sleep is even more of a meme. It was useless in TQ and it’s more useless in GD, since literally one source of it is Nightfall, and even if someone is affected by sleep, they will immediately wake up by taking damage from Night’s Chill for example.

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Don’t know if it still works in TQ, but that game used to allow flat RR to work on resistance to life reduction. It led to some builds killing bosses like Hydra in like two seconds because their resistance to life reduction would go into the negatives.