I was wondering if there are any builds revolving around the use of 2x Pistols/2H Rifles that are Solo Ultimate viable, but are strong during the leveling process?
I don’t exactly have the guns I would REALLY need, like Deviltongue/Exterminus, especially since all I’ve been playing so far is a Shaman/Occultist pet build, and I’m probably nowhere near the level that the legendaries even drop, but I’m really looking for a gun based build to break up the monotony of pet builds to play on the side.
TL;DR: Looking for a strong solo Ultimate viable Dual Pistol/Rifle build that can be pulled off without required guns.
If you want a dirt cheap, item independent, SF viable concept, make a Fire Strike 2H rifle elementalist. Focus on OA/HP/MS, DA isn’t much of importance, abuse the shit out of crit mult through searing strike, stormcaller’s pact and the cracken devotion.
Am I the only one who thinks Fire Strike is insanely strong during levelling? Just use Explosive Strike while levelling in veteran and elite and whenever you reach Brimstone you can respec your Explosive Strike points there. Get Solael’s Witchblade devotion, put that bitch on Fire Strike and you will have no problems levelling.