Regarding new patch and mods in general

Okay so i had my personal grudge with modding so far cause when i tried to mod one of the base class skills i had to do some stupid renaming and change some indexes around and stuff, it was not pleasant at all and it shouldnt be that way.

Anyway, in the patch notes i stumble upon this: “GameEngine.dbr edits in a mod will now properly override the default gameengine.dbr values when the mod is loaded under Custom Game”

I was really, REALLY hoping hard this would account for other files too. As in, if i take an existing file from the game and mod it, the game will prioritize loading my changed file over the base game file when i load a mod of my own.

Can anyone confirm this or will modding core game files continue to suck?

And yes, im pretty salty about this behaviour. Mod files over game files

Cough… :cool:

so are my hopes true, does the game prioritize files in your mod if you took core game files and modded them while retaining their original name? Cause at the very beginning people told me it wouldnt. I remember also modding the required exp per lvl and max lvl possible which also didnt seem to have an effect in game.

yes? no? shameless bump

Does this also involve that the game recognizes skillpaths from skills that are in new folders?

In the game wouldn’t recognize skills in skilltrees if they are in a newly created folder instead of existing folders.

The game will prioritize the mod’s data if it overwrites the base game’s data. Previously, this did not happen for skills and gameengine.

I created a folder called test under records/skills/ and placed a skill tree and ability there, assigned it as the 7th mastery without issue.

So either it was a bug and is now fixed, you made an error somewhere along the way, or I misunderstand the issue.

thanks a lot for the answers :3