[REL] Grimarillion v91

Ok thanks. I guess ill just have to live with it.

If you’ve already tried fully downloading and reinstalling the newest version of the mod (erase the old grimarillion from your mod folder too) or verifying the game files, then yes, you might have to just put up with it…

Yes unfortunately even installing it fresh on another computer did not fix the problem. I have no idea why its like this only for Grimarillion. It works fine with other mods and on vanilla.

Sorry for wasting your time and thanks, i just assumed it must be your mod when i could find no problems with anything outside of the mod. Games can be wiered sometimes.

OK I looked at your post again, I didn’t quite understand what you meant the first time I assumed you meant ALL female 2h anim didn’t work which I thought would have been absolutely crazy since no one had mentioned it…

Now that I understand what you’ve said, I understand it’s very specific to two idle animations. They will be fixed in the next update. Are there any other weird animations you’ve noticed? (or lack of animations)

The reason this happened is because Crate evidently doesn’t know how to follow a proper naming scheme for their animations so when I merge animation tables among mods, I just duplicate the male animation table and swap the directory to match the “heroine” instead of the “hero”, and basically there’s a few discrepancies that result in animations that don’t exist. So when I rename the male idle transition;


I should just have to rename hero01 > heroine01. Nope.



Oh wow…thats so stupid.

I just went through and couldn’t find anything else strange anywhere. I think it was just the 2h melee weapons because 2h weapons tend to be unpopular so its easy not to notice when something so specific is broken.

It took me a moment to realize it myself. I will post again if i find anything and im glad the problem has been figured out so that i can stop thinking about it.

PS: Sorry for not being specific enough. I realize i have explained this badly.




:: D3 Changes::
*Applied fixes found here: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showpost.php?p=661728&postcount=931
and also here:

*Applied fixes found here: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showpost.php?p=661875&postcount=218

*Tweaked many loottables in hopes of fixing some weird loot issues.
*Updated some loot tables from GQ which resulted in people picking up outdated staves and spears. Any staves/spears you have will be updated to that version, but will become legacy if they are ever changed again.
*Re-added Scrap and Dynamite to auto-pickup… hopefully should be working again.
*Fixed an issue where a couple vendors were using the original loottables for their wares. (these tables are used for autopickup now and don’t work properly in shops)
*Fixed an issue where most AOM enchantments were lacking support for spears/staves.
*Updated Augments to use the most recent stats from unmodded GD. (they still retain support for spears/staves)
*Updated Components to use the most recent stats from unmodded GD. (they still retain support for spears/staves)
*Testing a loot table change, if you notice any enemies with funny animations please report. Also if you find less spear/staves than you expected from CHESTS specifically, report.

*Updated the default crafter table to the most recent GD version. (this adds a couple conversion recipes I think)
*Also removed several GQ specific items from the default crafting table, they are restricted only to the Satyr now.
*Fixed an issue where several staves were not crafting and breaking the craft system.
*Fixed an issue where several staves were crafting the wrong staff type.

Eye of Ra:
*Damage to Insectoids changed to Undead.
*Proc activation changed to 10% chance on hit.
*Duration reduced to 6 seconds, cooldown to 8 seconds.

Might of Hephaestus:
*Damage to Constructs changed to Chthonics
*Active Skill, Iron Fist, increased burn damage drastically.

Dragon Tongue:
*Reduced Chaos and Fire RR from 30% to 18%.
*Duration increased from 3 seconds to 6.
*Cooldown reduced from 6 seconds to 3.

Tongue of Flame:
*Reduced Elemental RR from 30% to 10%

Conqueror’s Mark:
*Reduced Physical Resist debuff from -33% to -15%.
*Removed armor absorption reduction.
*Changed %DA reduction to flat 70 DA reduction.

Ethereal Veil:
*Added 50% Vitality damage.
*Fixed an issue where the Veils did not have names and instead were labeled as Wind Devils.
*Chance for impaired aim removed
*Cold and Vitality resistance reduced to 10%.
*Added 10% Pierce resist reduction.

Pale Moon:
*Fixed an issue where the Pale Moon debuff wasn’t lasting as long as it should have.
*Lightning Resist debuff reduced to 10%
*Aether Resist debuff added.

Star of Ishtar:
*Proc activation changed to 10% on attack.
*Proc cooldown reduced to 2 seconds.
*Limit of Scimitar Spirits increased to 7. (I think this might be a bit much Roadblock, let me know lol)

*Added 400 HP and 20% vitality resistance.
*Proc changed to 10% when hit.
*Proc cooldown reduced to 12 seconds
*Proc armor bonus increased to 100.

Blood of Ares:
*Proc Activation changed to 10% when hit
*Proc cooldown reduced to 10 seconds.

Talisman of the Jade Emperor:
*Cooldown bonus removed.
*Proc changed to an aura.

Presence of Emperor Mau-D’uyhn (Granted by Item)
Mighty Emperor guides you and your allies in battle.
5 Active Energy Cost per Second
200 Energy Reserved
15 Meter Radius
+15% health
+15% cunning
+2% max pierce and bleed resistance
10% physical resistance
20% reflected damage reduction
20% reduced stun duration
20% Piercing Resistance

Heart of Earth:
*Added +1 to Earth Mastery.
*Proc changed to an aura.

Fireborn Aura (Granted by Item)
Empower yourself and your allies with the power of a molten core.
3 Active Energy Cost per Second
150 Energy Reserved
15 Meter Radius
28-52 Fire Damage
20% Chance of 212 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
+150% Fire Damage
+150% Burn Damage
30% Fire Resistance
295-414 Fire Retaliation

Elemental Rage:
*Reduced lifesteal to 4%
*Proc activation changed to 10% when hit.
*Added electrocute damage to proc.
*Proc Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds.

Arcane Mirror:
*Proc activation changed to 100% chance on 40% HP.
*Proc duration changed to 3 seconds.
*Proc now also absorbs 100% of damage taken.

Maiden’s Kiss:
*Proc activation changed to 10% on attack
*Proc cooldown changed to 10 seconds.
*Proc dodge and deflect chances reduced to 25%.


Arctic Shell:
*Now affects all allies in a radius.
*No longer has specific pet bonuses (because pets are now affected by the radius)

Arctic Shell - Heart of Frost:
*No longer has specific pet bonuses (because pets are now affected by the radius)

Arctic Shell - Dark Frost:
*Now specifically grants damage conversion to pets.

Storm Nimbus:
*Now affects all allies in a radius.
*No longer has specific pet bonuses (because pets are now affected by the radius)

Storm Nimbus - Electrical Charge:
*No longer has specific pet bonuses (because pets are now affected by the radius)

Storm Nimbus - Aether Nimbus:
*Now specifically grants damage conversion to pets.

Earth Enchantment:
*Fixed an issue where the cost and reserve weren’t scaling past rank 16.

Earth Enchantment - Brimstone:
*Added burn duration per level.

Earth Enchantment - Flames of Tartarus:
*Now specifically grants damage conversion to pets.

Heat Shield:
*Lowered the cooldown from 7 seconds to 5 seconds.
*Increased the duration from 3 seconds to 5 seconds.
*Reduced the strength of the shield slightly.

Heat Shield - Hephaestus’ Anvil:
*Moved the Total Speed aspect of the skill to the “Celestial Power” so that it will always be active once unlocked (like the requirement reduction)
*Added Stun Reduction.

Ring of Flame - Soften Metal:
*OA debuff scaling reduced.

Ring of Flame - Uncontrollable Blaze:
*Replaced with Chaotic Blaze.
*Now instead adds 20% Chaos resist reduction to Ring of Flame.

*Reduced Crit Damage scaling.

Rupture - Cremate:
*Reduced Crit Damage scaling.

Battle Standard:
*Reduced damage absorb scaling from 30/40 to 20/25 at max/ult.

Battle Standard - Glory:
*Reduced Cooldown Reduction to a flat 15%
*Reduced DA to 16 and scaling to 8 per level.

*Reduced Weapon Damage scaling slightly, 26/16 is now down to 167% from 175%.

Onslaught - Ignore Pain:
*Swapped places with Heart of War.

Onslaught - Heart of War:
*Increased % Health Regeneration to closer match the power level of Savagery’s health regen.
*Reduced the value of flat regeneration slightly.
*Swapped places with Ignore Pain.

Dodge Attack:
*Reduced armor modifier by 50%.

Battle Rage - Berserk (Transmuter):
*Now reduces the cooldown of Battle Rage by a flat 2 seconds.

*Removed. Merged the entire skill line into one super skill at tier 9.

NEW SKILL Fury of Ares:
*Exclusive aura.
*Grants increased damage to pierce, bleed, internal trauma, and a chance for massively increased physical damage.
*Grants lifesteal and health regeneration.
*Grants resistance to slow.

Colossus Form:
*Removed energy cost.

Summon Liche:
*Fixed an issue where the ultimate rank was 20 instead of 26.

Summon Outsider:
*Fixed an issue where the ultimate rank was 20 instead of 26.

Boomerang Blades - Caustic Acid:
*Changed armor reduction to flat physical resist reduction for 4 seconds.

Trance of Wrath:
*Fixed an issue where this wasn’t scaling with racial damage.
*Increased the radius to match Aura of Censure.
*Increased the damage substantially to closer match Aura of Censure.
*Added an attack speed reduction of 5-25%. (Applies to enemies in range)
*Added an energy reserve to match Aura of Censure.

Trance of Convalescence:
*Increased Energy Regeneration.
*Added reduced duration of trauma, electrocute, and decay.
*Slightly reduced Damage Absorption.
*Added an energy reserve to match Aura of Conviction. (AOE Exclusives have a cost? Seems to be a rule)

Trance of Empathy:
*Adjusted lifesteal scaling, starts at 1% now but scales to 8% at max (12% at 22/12).
*Retaliation scaling hugely increased.
*Added reflect damage reduction (15% max, 25% 22/12)
*Added 10-30% Energy Absorption.
*Added an energy reserve to match Aura of Conviction. (AOE Exclusives have a cost? Seems to be a rule)

Hopefully that’s everything… As always, backup your saves before you play.

maybe a dumb question but what is ungrim?

Slightly easier version of Grimarillion. Still plenty of increased mobs, more heroes/bosses to fight with.

With Grimarillion you have the base Grimarillion, Grimmer and Grimmest to choose from I believe (not played it much). Ungrim is just ungrim - one version only.

And a new version - nice Asylum101. Will download and install in a bit. :slight_smile:

Great, thank you! :slight_smile:

Okay … either I did something really wrong (quite likely I know) or your missing the mod on the latest download.

Backed up characters first. Downloaded and installed both Grimarillion and ungrim. Didn’t see a message saying replace files when installing. Checked ungrim and still v60b. Decided to delete both folders from GOG Galaxy/Games/Grim Dawn/mods and reinstall. Checked again - only base game/AoM masteries to choose from. Thought oops, better install some back versions as something must be missing. So reinstalled V59, v59a, v59b, v60, v60a, v60b and v61 and did see the replace files message all the way through. Back into the game - still the same, only base game masteries to choose from. There is no mod. And yes, I’ve chosen the mod ingame under Custom Maps. My L35 Guardian of the Elements has no skills, although the quests are correct. Also no version number anywhere that I can see.

Deleting folders and reinstalling ungrim from v59 to v60b does not solve the problem. Still no mod. What the hell have I done? :confused:


Thanks for taking the time to do all this.

Does the damage conversion (physical to cold/lightning) on the base skill effect pets? On skills like IEE the damage conversion applies only to the caster while the everything else is applied as an aura. Not sure if these work the same, and I’m not sure of an easy way to test that on my own.

/Bugs time/

  1. Eye of Ra proc have 10% chance when hit by melee attacks instead on 10% chance on hit.
  2. Tongue of Flame still have -30% elemental RR.
  3. Conqueror’s Mark still have -33% physical RR and -15% DA.
  4. Ethereal veil still have old stats. Yet huge nerf to RR is not justified on this relic, because veils do not deal high damage like Tongue of Flames proc. Please keep -18% cold/vitality RR, to be in line with Dragontongue. Also veils move really slow, and need an increase in speed.
  5. Pale Moon have old stats.
  6. Talisman of Jade Emperor’s aura have old name and desc.
  7. Heart of Earth’s aura have old name and desc.

/Little complaint/
Trance of Wrath. Pale shadow of great Aura of Censure, because no -rr%. Since Dream mastery already have innate bonuses to phys/vitality/lightning and also support 100% conversion to vitality or lightning, i suggest removing %reduced target’s RR and adding -%physical/vitality/lightning up to -28/45/45 on 22/12.

/Star of Ishtar/
I laughed so hard when my 7 spirits were wrecking anything on screen within seconds, hahaha :D. Tho, this needs nerf - 1 summon limit is enough. Proc is amazing even with 1 spirit :slight_smile:

Just did a full Ancient Grove run, vines finally open after killing Slathsarr Aethergaze, cheers Jiaco :wink:
PS. Got my first arcane lens, binding of bysmiel and mark of traveler.

Thanks for reporting so fast. As you can tell, we never really know what will come out in the final product, so good to see those fixes made it through the merge.

You’re welcome :). Found strange issue with Depravities - he’s extremely large, so large that doesn’t even fit the screen, lol. And Kra’vall still dies after 1 phase :undecided:

I don’t understand how some of these things were updated and some weren’t. I’ll post an updated database today. (full db rebuild should do the trick…) Maybe on my lunch break in a few hours.

Trance of wrath I’ll have to look, it uses a different template than censure so it is not a simple change.

Ishtar was a combination of things that made it stupid strong. 7 summons obviously was overkill, but also I noticed it was not scaling properly. Instead of scaling with pet or player damage it was scaling with monster stats… Fixed that so now it might need a damage nerf.


Does the damage conversion (physical to cold/lightning) on the base skill effect pets? On skills like IEE the damage conversion applies only to the caster while the everything else is applied as an aura. Not sure if these work the same, and I’m not sure of an easy way to test that on my own.[/QUOTE]
I came up with a way to test this and was able to confirm that the damage conversion does NOT apply to pets (found another 40% conversion physical to elemental conversion, used both aura, and saw that physical RR still boosted my pet’s damage). It’d be nice to see that part of the pet bonus restored.

  • I killed the Fleshwarden Krieg, but can’t open the AEther Barriers.
  • Bryers Journex (or however it was called) has now Tag not found as its name

A small question: How do you get forgotten souls?

Mobs drop it.

Thanks for the Bryner’s report, its empowered and mythical versions are ok tho.

Small Update:



Installation Process:

*First you must already have Grimarillion OR Ungrim v61 installed.
*Then download 61a of whatever version you are using. If you are using Ungrim, download Ungrim 61a. If Grimarillion, download grimarillion 61a.
*To install, simply open the 7z file you downloaded, open it up, then drag and drop the folder into your mod folder (Grim Dawn/mods/). If you have done this properly, it will ask to overwrite some files, just say yes and you will be ready to go.

v61a Changelog

Tongue Of Flame:
*Fixed an issue where this wasn’t updated in 61 as intended.

Conqueror’s Mark:
*Fixed an issue where this wasn’t updated in 61 as intended.

Pale Moon:
*Fixed an issue where this wasn’t updated in 61 as intended.

Ethereal Veil:
*Fixed an issue where this wasn’t updated in 61 as intended.
*Increased the movement speed by 25%.
*Debuff amount increased to 18%.

Talisman of the Jade Emperor:
*Fixed an issue where this wasn’t updated in 61 as intended.
*Updated the description of the skill to reflect the changes made.

Star of Ishtar:
*Fixed an issue where there were conflicting tags causing Avatar of Bast and Isthar’s Scimitar Spirit to show the wrong name information on the tooltip.
*Reduced amount of summons down to 1 again.
*Increased cooldown to 30 seconds (otherwise it will constantly resummon and kill itself)
*Removed the pet widget and set the controllers to always be aggressive.
*Fixed the description so that the Scimitar Spirits were named as intended.

Sigil of Bast:
*Fixed an issue where there were conflicting tags causing Avatar of Bast and Isthar’s Scimitar Spirit to show the wrong name information on the tooltip.
*Removed the pet widget and set the controllers to always be aggressive.
*Set the proc activation to trigger on attack.
*Fixed an issue where the summon was not scaling with the player.

Heart of Earth:
*Fixed an issue where this wasn’t updated in 61 as intended.

Trance of Wrath:
*Changed the template.
*Removed Reduced target’s resistances stat.
*Now reduces physical, lightning, and vitality resistances.

Arctic Shell
*Added Phys to Cold damage conversion for pets.

Storm Nimbus:
*Added Phys to Lightning damage conversion for pets.

*Depravities “growth” adjusted…
*Fixed an issue that caused Kra’vall to die prematurely.

I appreciate the quick fixes.

I probably should have mentioned this before, but Earth Enchantment has the same issue damage conversion issue for pets. It’s less of a big deal since it’s not a regression, but if the intention is to have the conversion apply to pets you’ll need to add explicit conversion.