[REL] Grimarillion v91

Hello Asylum !
I have big crash after v73 update.
When I summon kodama in nature skill , CRASH .
Can you fix it ? please :smiley:

It isn’t crashing for me. Do you have any gear with skillmods to the Kodama? Post them if you do.

I do not have any Kodama skill mod item. and v72.7 , I used Kodama well … lol
I don’t know how to do … :smiley:

Did you try on a clean game?For instance create a new toon and get nature mage and learn skill?It will determent if it’s character or Class

As you may know, with the next Grim Internals update I will offer grimarillion as Crucible mode,
but since v73 the main menu looks like this:

Is it possible to change the alpha channel of the grimarillion logo so that the white border
is no longer visible? It would look better, imo.
Thanks! :slight_smile:

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WoW! Will I be able to see the armor and wings of the mod in the main menu if Grimarillion (v73) + Grim Internals are used together? Or is this a Crucible feature only?

You should be able to. The way I understand it is that Grimarillion is combined with vanilla GD in order to enable it to be used with the Crucible, in which case it ‘simply’ is part of the main game and you can see everything correctly on the loading screen.

Hmmmm… stranger. I have never been able to see, at the selection screen, the itens that are unique to the mods. Example, this is my level 68 Astromancer at selection screen:

This is her in-game looks:


Yes, because so far Grimarillion is a mod. But Grim Internals will change that.

This was not supposed to be available yet, not sure how it didn’t get removed. Anyway, it will be removed for sure next update.

What level is your Kodama skill, and the modifiers for it? Take a picture and post it here, maybe it’s a certain level of the skill, who knows.

hello asylum101 this is problem need help

this is my nature + shaman mastery
i try clean game and playing a summon kodama but game is stop and crashing… i can’t english but want used kodama

items is image

The ring thoth’s mark now gives +2 to strands of fate when it’s not a pet item. idk maybe weird itemization.

Report any other issues like this, the bonus wasn’t changed but the old file was just recycled so points wouldn’t be lost.

What is the offhand/focus item?

Cerberus collar gives modifiers to spirit ward, which does not exist.
Boreas chilled tome converts vitality damage to cold damage for deatchill aura. Deatchill aura does not have vitality damage (I don’t think vitality decay counts?).

Circle of power now does not need to despawn for shattered guardians room to finish.
Still can’t get through past this room though. Is this a vanilla bug?

Cerberus’ Collar : Spirit Ward exists, it is the new name for the old “Underworld Pact”, tier 2 spirit buff.

Boreas’ Chilled Tome : Did you find this or you GDStashed it? If it dropped, awesome. No judgement, just looking for verification that it is dropping already.

DoTs are always converted with their “base” types whenever conversions take place. So in this case, decay becomes frostburn.

Circle of Power - Great.

Dunno about that room though, if you had no pets I don’t know why that room would cause issues.

Thanks for the clarifications. Frustrating about that room though. I’ll try not casting circle of power at all next time.

Yeah the boreas chilled tome dropped for me. Along with various other new offhand TQ items. I’m not much of a fan of level 50 offhands dropping in ultimate though. Same with penetrating spear of __ and girdle of achiles iirc :+1:.

Yeah, I have no idea why that happens.