[REL] Grimarillion v91

I’ve been using the dedicated Spirit pet items (the set that gives +1 summon to Liche King and the Gatekeeper weapon to use the Skeletal Soldiers) to see whether my weakness in building Spirit pet builds was due to not focusing on them enough. I ended up partnering with Dream to use the Master Mind pet and to take advantage of the +skills in Dream. The damage is definitely there, though with the Skeletal Soldiers, I don’t know how much Liche King is contributing to say whether the pet is too weak at 26/16. Unfortunately, Spirit pets are still unviable - Vitality pets are set on devotion route: Dying God + Aeon’s Hourglass + Will of Rattosh, and with it, you are really struggling on player resistances and pet resistances.

The problem with directly taking from GD vanilla sets and applying them to Grim Quest is that the Grim Dawn classes are much more generous with pet resistances - the Bysmiel’s Bond set that gives you two birds already takes into factor Storm Spirit and Blood of Dreeg giving pets sufficient Elemental and Poison resistances. When I tested the build in SR, my mortal weakness became… pet Elemental and Poison resistances.

I personally recommend buffing all the Grim Quest pet belts by giving them good pet resistances. The Sash of Erebus - the one that gives Spirit bonuses - can be modeled after the Necromancer belt Mythical Spiritseeker Cord by giving pet Pierce and Poison resistances. In addition, I will repeat my request of making the solo defensive skills of Summon Core Dweller and Liche King auras so all pets can benefit. Skill points are too much at a premium to use on a skill that benefits, at most, 2 pets.

My apologies for the double post, but it concerns a different topic unrelated to pet builds:

Has anyone found a workable build around the Patronus’ Disguise set (the Warfare class set that gives you an extra summon to Ancestral Horn)? It’s designed around a Physical / Pierce / Bleeding build, but having the set take up the Chest, Spear (killer of Attack Speed) and Shield slots means that you’re hard-pressed to find a skill to build around that isn’t made obsolete by dual-wielding or 2H (as is the case of Bleeding builds, you want to stack as much whallop as possible).

Having the Chest slot taken means that anything built around Bloodrager is right out, alongside Solider class and Shaman classes. I’ve tried Warfare + Hunting to make use of War Wind, Snare Trap, and Take Down to stack as much Bleeding as I can (plus it has good Spear bonuses so that you’re not nearly as screwed on Attack Speed), but it’s not nearly sturdy enough nor has the resistances to handle Nemesis level or multiple hero enemies. None of the other Grim Quest, vanilla classes or Diablo 3 classes support bleeding nearly enough to be worth considering. It’s a shame, because I super, super appreciate you and @Bane adding these sets to the mod, and I want to show people how to build with them so your efforts don’t go to waste.

EDIT [5/6]: Bug Report: The Ancestral Horn skill is meant to summon permanent Warfare pets. However, if you use the Divine Heracles focus, it adds a 10 second duration to the skill, turning Ancestral Horn from permanent pets to 10 second temporary pets. This must be a relic from when the Ancestral Horn pets were temporary, and needs to be fixed.



How do you use the latest version of grimarillion with GD Stash? I was previously using v73c, after updating to latest version I noticed that my character’s bag and inventory size slot literally got doubled in size. However, GD stash still used the default stash size so new items that was filled in the new bag slot can’t be moved. Is there any workaround or do I need to wait for update in gdstash?

You need to go to the GDStash configuration page and choose the mod, then save the settings, import the database again. Once that’s done then set whatever pages you use (transfer, character, crafting, etc) to the mod as well and that should change the inventory sizes.

Thanks for the info medea. I tried that however the inventory UI in GD Stash still not showing the expanded slots.

Using GDS v1.5.2b and Grimarillion v76
Hurmmmm what to do what to do…

Is there a translation of this mod into Russian?

GD Stash only adjusts the stash size, not inventory / bags, so there is nothing you can do

Is there some kind of roadmap of the future updates ?

Hi, I got problems with the stash size Someone have a conclusion?

Yes, just click on the auto sort and it’ll shift everything over into the right part of the stash. Only needs to be done the once for each character.

Thanks a lot have to sort all the sets again but ok :smiley:

Yeah, that’s the problem with it, but the alternative is having to move them one by one into new positions anyway so not any better.

i having constant crushes in all the maps, i keep sending the reports, but i can understand what particulary i am doing that generate the crushes

I suggest to use the Plutonium Nyborg to reduce spawns.

Also untick the auto tooltips in the Options Menu.

you mean reduce spam of minions or else? or everything?

Reduce all spawns (both ordinary mobs and hero mobs)

Yes, obvious possible solution if you’re using increased grimmest spawns is to… decrease them instead. No point having them maxed if you’re crashing. There’s not much we can do otherwise, there is no hard proof of what is causing crashes. But reducing spawns and disabling auto tooltips helps for most people.


Just make sure this is unchecked and see if that helps.

I hope this isn’t crass to ask here, but is there anyway to remove the class stuff but retain the others (grimmest, stasher?). Grimmest doesn’t seem to work standalone anymore but it does with your mod.


Why would you remove the masteries rather than just not use them ?