[REL] Grimarillion v91

In other news, I’ve updated the main post with a new link. In case you guys missed it when I posted it almost a year ago, I worked with JMD to created a Titan Quest themed skin for Grimarillion’s Grim UI. I’ve also included a swapper batch file so you can bounce between UI mods if you want, or uninstall them. (they aren’t deleted just moved so GD won’t use them)

Here is the nexus link for that mod as well:
Titan UI Nexus


Updated the Rainbow File for v89.

“Reanimator” and “Illusionist” of the Darkest Dawn mod still show “Tag not found” in the character sheet.

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Solo classes?

Yes, the class name is not displayed when selecting a solo class for the Darkest Dawn mod.

Alright, thanks for the report.
grimarillion_tagfix.zip (2.1 MB)

If you already downloaded the mod, use this fix for those two classes. I’ll update my other links.

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Thanks, I checked the class name display and updated the Rainbow File.

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@Matougi These items needs to be updated because they are now legendary items. And Hellfire Amulet needs a fix to letter formatting.

Grimmest None of the options have any effect.

Something wrong with one of your own modifications, that’s not what the Zeke conversation looks like normally in Grimarillion. Check the conversations or scripts for Grimmest, neither of those were changed with the last update and it’s working fine for me.

Zeke conversations are different in the Grimarillion and the DoM, and the conversation text you are using is from the DoM.
npc_grimmest_01_grimaril.zip (382 Bytes)

Thanks for the report.
I have updated the Rainbow File in response to the change in quality of some of the Barbarian items (Medal of Belial, Medal of Adria, Hellfire amulet).

But the colour code for the El’Druin Sword has been removed due to its multiple rarity. If prefixed, for example, the sword would be affected by its colour.

Edit: I have removed the colour codes for the Barbarian items and recreated the Rainbow file, so report any colour problems.

What does this mean? El’Druin is now a legendary sword with hidden affixes (Similar to how Medal of Belial, Adria and Hellfire Amulet are too), afaik the hidden affixes shouldn’t affect the color.

If so, it might be better not to colour code them. I would remove all the colour codes for the Barbarian items and recreate the file.

No, I got the same result when I used the original package, including data packages, resource packages, and scripts. The weird thing is that the 88a has no issues at all.

I’m using the text of 88a, which cannot possibly involve DoM. But thank you for your reply, I will check again.

The cause of the problem was found. There is npc_grimmest_01.cnv in my \Grim Dawn\Settings\Conversations. It belongs to DoM and has a higher reading priority than GAL. Delete it and it will be fine.

How to find legendary items from Illus and Reman?

The NPC “Inusat” is randomly appearing; specifically when killing elites/heroes and popping/or their loot orbs.

I seem to misunderstand a basic mechanic, maybe someone here can clarify?

My Rogue has a permanent Buff active (Envenom) which gives a flat poison damage:

yet this damage does not register in the damage tab of the character:
Rogue 2

Can someone please enlighten me?

Just started using the mod. For some reason I can’t click the class bar to assign any points in a build it just moves my character and doesn’t click the UI to assign points?

is distortion wave - ripple skill broken right now? i took it equipped a 2 hander and its still only shooting a single beam tried regular 2 hander and staff and it just looks exactly the same as when i didnt take ripple

It’s working as intended, it reduces the cooldown.