[REL] Grimarillion v91

Already seeing others comment on version e causing checkerboard textures on GQ relics so ill just report the same, but I also seem to have game crashes since the update. Specifically cthon cultists that summon several tiny devourers. Only in places in the campaign such as Blood Grove, etc. Having them in say, Rifts, don’t give me issues, and even when I am in the problem areas they don’t always crash me, but every time my client does freeze and die its right as they summon them. Ive tried reducing every option to minimum in case it was graphical, but It didn’t solve it, and I didn’t have this problem before the update. If its somehow on my end its fine i can cope, just wanted to voice it in case it wasnt.

I have a question for Outrider’s skill Arcane Assault 1 and 2. If I max out AA 1, do I only need a single point in AA 2 for both gun summons to be the same? If so, why is there even an option to max out both?

Also, where do you get gear that adds + levels to the classes of Outrider, Terror Knight, Elementalist, etc… ?

If I mouse over Archmage Sorcery (Elementalist) or Thunder (Riftstalker) the game just freezes and I have to kill it with the task manager to regain control. This only seems to happen after I’ve spent enough points in the mastery bar to unlock these skills and I haven’t tested the other masteries yet, so that’s all I’ve found. Great work so far and I look forward to playing a stable mod in the future.

Love the mod, was curious if we can get a version with Smash N Grab added? Love the additional classes but I also love the increased stash, monster spawn, and devotion points. I have been tinkering with the archivetool and assetmanager but noticed that all the assets are not present which have been updated via WanezToolsGd, and have not figured out an easy way to do so.
Please any help would be great.

hello !
I install fresh mod 64e
i have missing textures for trader D3 Satyr
its work with previous version ?

For me everything works as intended :slight_smile:
I use lastest GD + all dlc + both grimarillion and ungrim version (lastest). I run 64 bit version. I was updating it every time , so installation was like a+b+c+d+e. If You want I can share my ready mod files :slight_smile: just say and I will upload

if i have permission add some smash’n grab


I know now must download more files!

Just managed to craft a D3 relic (Deathrattle) from Palanis, forgemaster in devils crossing, all of them seem to have a checkerboard missing texture. Any idea on how to fix it or is that normal on the current release?

My, further modified Grimarillion 64e

Atack Speed increased
Movement Speed increased
New level gain 5 points each level
Attribute points increase attribute by 10
3 devotion points from restored shrines (5 Mogdrogen)
225 max devotion points
shrines in all three level of difficulties
6 times more enemies (except in large areas)
easy loot
iron bits drop increased
unique items drop increased

i say - upload!

Thank you so much, I will give this a good test run

To fix the checkerboard issue you need the xpack.arc file from 64e (not standalone). Sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll try to find the time to update it today but sitting in the doctor’s office now so no guarantees.

I will check it out :slight_smile:

Here’s link for working version (works well for me):

Thx dude! Ill test it out.

What exactly is ungrim? Does it stack with Grimarillion?

should it be like this? something works wrong I believe (modded grimarillion from a few post earlier)

It’s grimarillion with vanilla enemies spawn

Pretty much.

Quoted directly from the first page with all the info on it…

“Grimarillion is the version with Grimmest included, Ungrim means grimmest is not included. (though it’s possible some things might still be grim-y)”