[REL] Grimarillion v91

it worked for me, though it did not work in standalone grimmest. which is really odd. also, autopickup wasn’t working for whatever reason.

Autopickup was removed in 66a or 66b. It wasn’t working properly in multiplayer among other issues.

I’m running the most recent version and have no issues with the NPC. I had like 6 of his items before this patch and now I have one (which is great). He summons just like before and reappears in the inventory when you walk away. No issues with changing hero spawns or regular spawns. Great patch!

But if you start a fresh game/character, you won’t have access to Grimmest. Or if you don’t have G in your inventories, this is what happened to me.

how can i install autoloot manually?

v66c database replacement


*Tried fixing an issue where Nyborg wasn’t being deposited into your inventory on load if you didn’t have one.
*Tried fixing an issue where Zeke wasn’t saving your Grimmest settings.
*Fixed an issue where Nyborg wasn’t craftable


How to install:
You need v66c installed already. Download this one, open it, drag and drop onto the database folder. Replace.

playing on 66c fix ultimate difficulty the spawn rates of heroes seems to be broken

lowest grimmest hero spawn rate (alcoholic) will make it have about 8 boss enemies every pack of monsters

But does it lag less than before for that level of spawns?

Having the same issue as scurvey_cur. With 66c and the fix, even with lowest grimmist settings I’m seeing almost nothing but packs of hero units, as if I’m playing on the highest setting on the 66b version of the mod.

Going back to 66c without the database fix seems to have fixed this issue, the spawns now seems to follow the selected difficulty again.

yes the performance is much better, doubled my fps on 8700k+1080ti

i played on 2% spawns last week and it had lots of stutters and fps drops, with the broken spawns it keeps a consistent 120 fps

Really good Jiaco, there is no freeze/stutter/lag with all those Heroes.
But as Scurvey_cur said, now, even in Alcoholic, they are everywhere lol.

Grimarillion needs the newly updated Grimmest, the spawns were extremely broken on lower levels and overspawning. Playing on Alcoholic (level 1) makes the game pretty much unplayable since there are elites all over.

It’s using the newest version, hence why the item is called plutonium nyborg and it summons Zeke. The difference, if there is one, is that the version in Grimmarillion is being tweaked a lot to solve lag issues or bugs. I’m not sure if Jiaco is updating his stand alone at the same time, but as far as I know, both Jiaco and Asylum are working on grimmest in grimarillion.

The newest version was updated today and Jiaco even stated that the massive overspawns is fixed. I don’t think there has been an update to grimarillion yet with the newest update for spawns. I’m trying to play with the lowest settting (Alcoholic) and there are elites covering the entire screen and causing massive lag. This has been fixed as of today, so Grimarillion needs updating.

Grimmest and Grimarillion use the same stuff. Sometimes I just don’t have the time to update immediately after jiaco because we’re in different time zones. Usually one of us is modding while the other is working or sleeping. So Grimmest updated this morning as I’m walking out the door for work. :eek:

v66d (standalone)


*Applied Grimmest changes from Grimmest FG 1.1

[Grim Quest]
*Changed class combo names to the original ones from TQ, with a TQ Prefix to be different from the similarly named GD classes.

no special install instructions, assuming I packed it right you should just need to place the contents of the zip into the grimdawn/mod folder as usual. Remove the old version beforehand, we don’t want any old files sneaking in somehow.

All hail the tireless dedication of Asylum!

Thanks a lot Asylum !

It works but :o… to many heroes at the lower level (alcoholic+no density).:o
5 Heroes/pack is realy too much (for me). I like when there is 5 heroes, but not on every pack, only…sometimes, like the v65.
May be it’s me, I don’t know what the others will say.

Thank you again for all your efforts and the precious time you invest.

Seriously? I tested for a while and the proxies seemed to get only 1-2 heroes each on Alcoholic. There is some randomization though.

Further adjustments can be made, but once some more feedback comes in.

Playing in Veteran on v66d and on the lowest setting I’m getting 1-2 elites per pack. Haven’t seen more than 3 yet, but I’m only at the flooded passage. I’ll keep an eye on the count, even though alcoholic+no density is boring :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit: Okay, there are a few places that indicate a bit of tweaking is still needed. Underground Transit, for instance, right after the Shrine had 15 or so heroes jammed in there. Could see it being a bit crazy. The good part though: No lag!