[REL] Grimarillion v93


v72 Changelog

[Grim Quest]
*Added 24 mythical shields and updated the 24 non-mythical variants. (Thanks to Bane for the new designs)
*Fixed an issue with Spellbreaker Waistguard GQ71, Maw of Despair GQ87, and Ulda’Jax GQ98 and invalid skill profiles.
*Added new FX to many of the recently added mythical staff skill modifiers.
*Fixed an issue with Brimstone ring with invalid skill profile bug.
*Mythical Amulet of Morpheus - added 1 summon limit to Astral Rift.
*Mythical Geras Walking Stick - added 100% chaos->vitality and 200 vitality damage to Astral Rift.
*Crosier of Osiris - added pet bonuses: 40% to all damage, 10% OA, 16% AS.
*Earthen Talisman - moved +1 to Earth to Heart of Earth relic.
*Heart of Earth - removed flat armor, added 12% armor bonus.
*Song of Serpent - removed flat armor, added 5% armor bonus.
*Divine Sagaris Tartarus - removed -CD modifier to Battle Standard.
*Divine Hiemal Decapitator - removed skill modifiers for Boreas Swirling Storm (50 cold damage, chance to freeze). Added granted skill instead.
*Divine Iris - removed elemental damage to Boreas Swirling Storm, increased elemental damage to Rupture to 120.
*Divine Scepter of Thanatos - changed Boreas Swirling Storm skill modifiers (-100 DA/-20% total speed) to -15% lightning/aether RR.
*Mythical Sakur-Aba - removed conversion, aether/lightning damage modifiers to Boreas Swirling Storm.
*Divine Anubis Wrath - removed skill modifiers for Boreas Swirling Storm (50 aether damage, -60 OA). Added 80 vitality damage and -60 OA to Somnial Hex.
*Divine Orion’s Mace - removed skill modifier for Eye of the Storm (70 ele damage).
*Divine Lykaion Malleus - removed skill modifier for Eye of the Storm (lightning retaliation). Added 18% RATA to Granted Skill.
*Mythical Fei Lian’s Galespear - removed skill modifier for Eye of the Storm (20% crit damage). Added 20% crit damage to Granted Skill.
*Mythical Golden Shield of Pelaron - removed skill modifier for Boreas Swirling Storm (200% ele damage). Increased %WD to Whirling Tempest to 20%, added -1 second skill recharge to Radiate.

Ring of Flame:
*Increased radius by 2m across all ranks. (3.5-7m)

*Reworked as a lower cooldown skill similar to Ravenous Earth. Cooldown reduced to 3 seconds, duration to 4 seconds.
*Moved down 1 tier.
*Damage, radius and fragments adjusted due to lower cooldown.
*FX updated.

Eruption - Molten Lava:
*Reduced burn damage and duration, reduced physical resist reduction duration.
*Reduced mana cost.
*Removed fumble chance and slow.
*Added %Phys and %Fire dmg modifiers.
*No longer adds a single fragment to the center of the eruption, the effect is applied to every projectile instead of the single fragment.

Volcanic Orb:
*FX updated for the millionth time. With the new FX to eruption, it made sense for a volcanic orb to have a similar appearance to the magma fragments.

*Added new FX to the projectile.

Ternion Attack:
*Added new FX when using a staff.

Boreas Swirling Storm:
*Increased the radius of the hidden attack used for devotion triggers.

Boreas Swirling Storm - Freezing Tempest:
*Reworked the debuff application method, purely to try and fix a crash (to no avail). Should still be the same functionally though.

Battle Standard:
*Cooldown reduced to 5 seconds, mana cost increased slightly.
*Reduced buff radius to 3.8 meters like Inquisitor Seal
*Adjusted damage absorb scaling, now scales higher early ranks grant less dmg absorb
*Bonus physical damage massively reduced.
*Reduced OA scaling at all ranks.
*Bonus to all skills removed. Now that battle standard can be pretty much permanent, this stat really couldn’t stay.

Battle Standard - Glory:
*Reduced DA scaling at low ranks, increased at high ranks.
*Removed Cooldown reduction
*Added Crit Dmg (up to 20% at 22/12)

Battle Standard - Triumph:
*Removed Aura fx. (eye cancer causing fx…)

Drag n Drop installation, make sure to backup your stuff, never know what happens with these updates.

There’s a potential issue with the folder name, make sure to check before playing that the mod folder is called “grimarillion” and nothing else. Atm the extracted folder is called “grimarillion _full” and will need to be renamed to work properly.