A few more item reworks/tweaks and a bunch of fixes to some behind the scene stuff. (not listed in changelog)
Back up your stuff before updating just in case, should be fine though.
v79a Changelog
*Merged some things from D3 3.6 that didn’t get merged for Grimar v79
GQ Item Changes:
*Ajax’ Bronze Tower - replaced skill bonus to Gorgoneion with Pulverize. Replaced skill mod to Empathy with Distortion Field.
*Divine Ajax’ Bronze Tower - replaced skill bonus to Gorgoneion with Pulverize. Replaced skill mod to Empathy with Distortion Field. Removed skill mod to Trance of Convalescence and Elysian Aegis. Added 100 Physical Retaliation and 200% Retaliation Damage skill mod to Distortion Field. Added 30% Retaliation damage added to attack skillmod to Pulverize. Reduced Retaliation Damage added to Attack to Onslaught to 4%.
*Divine Amulet of Hygeia - increased crit damage modifier to Lethal Strike to 20%.
*Divine Athena’s Mirrored Shield - reduced physical damage modifier to Disable to 70, removed crit damage modifier to Disable, added 280 bleeding over 2 seconds modifier to Disable. Removed Crit Damage modifier to Calculated Strike, added flat 70 Physical Damage and 2 target maximum modifier to Calculated Strike. Removed attack speed modifier to Onslaught, added 30 physical damage and 210 bleeding over 3 seconds modifier to Onslaught
*Bow of Herakles - replaced skill bonus to Exploit Weakness with 4 to Gouge. Removed Elemental to Physical damage conversion.
*Divine Bow of Herakles - replaced skill bonus to Exploit Weakness with 4 to Gouge. Removed Elemental to Physical damage conversion. Removed skill modifiers to Marksmanship, added 50% Weapon Damage to Gouge and 33% Weapon Damage to Onslaught.
*Divine Cerberus’ Bite - increased 300 bleeding damage over 2 seconds to Cross Cut to 360 bleeding over 2 seconds. Increased 300 bleeding over 2 seconds to Hew to 420 bleeding over 2 seconds.
*Divine Crest of Taurus - removed internal trauma over 3 to Pulverize mod, increased 20% Weapon Damage mod to Pulverize to 60% Weapon Damage.
*Divine Crimson Gem of Cytorius - replaced 40% Weapon Damage modifier to Lethal Strike with 200 piercing damage to Lethal Strike
*Divine Enkidu’s Stand - increased weapon damage mod to Pulverize to 60%.
*Divine Hecate’s Crescent - increased 150 vitality damage to Lethal Strike to 200 vitality damage.
*Divine Leatherskin Shield - added +3 to Snare Trap, Lethal Strike and Dodge Attack. Removed skill mod to Tumult, added 1 second duration and 12% Health Restored modifier to Dodge Attack.
*Divine Plissken - removed 2m target area to Lethal Strike, reduced 60% Weapon Damage to Lethal Strike to 20%. Added 300 Poison Damage over 3 seconds to Lethal Strike.
*Divine Pytho - removed 2m target area to Lethal Strike, 60% Weapon Damage to Lethal Strike, and 100% vitality damage converted to Acid to Lethal Strike. Added 100 Acid Damage to Lethal Strike.
*Divine Qin Warbow - Reduced 100% Weapon Damage to Lethal Strike to 35%, -0.5 second skill recharge to Lethal Strike increased to -1 second.
*Divine Rimescythe - removed skill recharge reduction and total damage modified to Lethal Strike, added 1.5s Freeze and 400 frostburn over 3 seconds to Lethal Strike. Replaced 100% Vitality to Cold conversion to Lethal Strike with 100% Acid to Cold.
*Scale of the Black Dragon - replaced skill bonus to Onslaught with 3 to Titan Slam. Increased skill bonus to Flame Surge to 3. Removed Battle Standard skill bonus. Added +1 to Warfare.
*Divine Scale of the Black Dragon - replaced skill bonus to Onslaught with 3 to TItan Slam. Increased skill bonus to Flame Surge to 3. Removed Battle Standard skill bonus. Added +1 to Warfare. Removed skill mods to Onslaught and Triumph. Added 100% Pierce Damage converted to Chaos, 100% Physical Damage converted to Fire, and 100 flat Chaos Damage added modifiers to Titan Slam. Replaced all Flame Surge skill modifiers, now grants +1 projectile and 80 flat chaos damage to Flame Surge.
*Divine Serpent Whisper - removed 100% Physical Damage converted to Poison to Lethal Strike, reduced 600 poison damage over 3 seconds to Lethal Strike to 540 poison damage over 3 seconds. Added 240 Acid damage to Lethal Strike. Removed bleed damage to Sky Shot Salvo (this wasn’t meant to be added in v79). Added 70% Weapon Damage to Distortion Wave
*Divine Spectral Defender - Reduced skill recharge reduction to Lethal Strike to 0.4 seconds. Replaced 100% Pierce converted Vitality to Lethal Strike to 100% Acid converted to Cold. Added 100 cold damage modifier to Lethal Strike
*Sun Disc - replaced skill bonus to Storm Surge with Thunderhead Ammunition, and replaced skill bonus to Ardor with Spectral Bulwark.
*Divine Sun Disc - replaced skill bonus to Storm Surge with Thunderhead Ammunition, and replaced skill bonus to Ardor with Spectral Bulwark. Replaced Squall modifiers with 100% Lightning Damage converted to Fire, 100% Pierce Damage converted to FIre, and 25 Fire Damage added modifiers to Sky Shot Salvo. Removed Onslaught skill modifiers. Added 100% Physical Damage converted to fire and 60 fire damage added modifiers to Spectral Bulwark.
*Thorny Maul - removed bleeding damage modifier, replaced flat bleeding damage with internal trauma. attack speed increased to 20%. Added % Retaliation damage. Trance of Convalescence bonus replaced with 4 to Overgrowth, Onslaught bonus replaced with 2 to Olympian Might, Spite Bonus replaced with 4 to Beat Down, and Warfare mastery bonus increased to 2.
*Divine Thorny Maul - removed bleeding damage modifier, replaced flat bleeding damage with internal trauma. attack speed increased to 20%. Added % Retaliation damage. Trance of Convalescence bonus replaced with 4 to Overgrowth, Onslaught bonus replaced with 2 to Olympian Might, Spite Bonus replaced with 4 to Beat Down, and Warfare mastery bonus increased to 2. All skill modifiers removed, new modifiers are 30% Retaliation damage added to attack to Heroic Vault and 100% Pierce damage converted to Physical damage to Heroic Vault, 400 physical retaliation to Overgrowth and 600% retaliation damage to Overgrowth, and 12% Retaliation damage added to attack to Batter and 120 internal trauma over 3 to Batter.
*Divine Thyestes Scheme - removed skillmodifier to Grace of the Korybantes, added 30% Retaliation damage added to attack, 100% Pierce Damage converted to Acid Damage and 300 poison damage over 3 seconds modifier to Arachne’s Sting. Replaced Plague skill modifiers with 8% Retaliation damage added to attack and 50 acid damage modifier to Sanctuary.
*Djed of Osiris - Fixed an issue where non-divine variants had the wrong pet bonus. Fixed an issue where all variants had the same bitmap.
*Leatherskin Shield - added +3 to Snare Trap, Lethal Strike and Dodge Attack.
*Orion’s Mace - fixed a missing tag issue.
*Raven’s Shadow - fixed a tooltip issue where it appeared as though the pet wasn’t scaling with player damage.
*Increased base weapon damage and added weapon damage scaling.
*Slightly reduced base damage but increased scaling.
*Now only hits 1 target.
*Moved down to tier 4 (15 skill points)
*Moved down to tier 6 (25 skill points)
*Reduced base weapon damage and scaling.
*Reduced base physical damage but increased scaling.
*Reduced bleeding damage
Sylvan Nymph:
*Fixed an issue with incorrect damage values on variants from items.
Sylvan Nymph - Corrupt Nymph:
*Fixed an issue with a missing passive (and for other transmuted nymphs from items)
Force of Nature:
*Adjusted summon behavior so the pet is summoned immediately near the player without forcing the player to move.
Summon Outsider:
*Adjusted summon behavior so the pet is summoned immediately near the player without forcing the player to move.
Third person camera database swap mod
You must already have Grimarillion v79a installed, and this mod will only work with Grimarillion v79a. Once I update Grimar again, this mod becomes obsolete.
To install this mod…
Download the zip…
Navigate to your Grimarillion mod folder, open the database folder and make a copy of the existing grimarillion.arz
open the zip file you just downloaded (grimarillion_tpc.7z), identify the grimarillion.arz
drop the grimarillion.arz from the 7z file into the grimarillion database folder from step 2. And you’re done, now you have a Third Person Camera mod installed for Grimarillion.
To uninstall this camera mod, just delete the grimarillion.arz (or rename it to something like grimarillion.tpc) and rename your copy you made in step 2 to grimarillion.arz.
Download Grimarillion TPC:
Info about the TPC mod and how to further tweak the camera settings:
[MOD] (V0.2) Third Person Camera - TPC