[REL] Grimarillion v93

Wrong thread - you are playing DOM.

Works fine in Grimarillion.

Hi Asylum,

I was using korvaaks to change the skeleton warriors to fire skeles, and now their AIs are dead.

I don’t particularly know if it is just a grimarillion’s problem, or both D3 and Grim’s. And now, I’m afraid that the acid version using Kukri is also defective as well. :thinking:

Haven’t tested it but I can confirm the anm are missing for those skeletons. Won’t have a fix very soon, so just avoid those until I can update.

Gotcha, take your time with the fixings, and I hope you are doing well irl

Yeah I’m good, thanks. Stressed over work and buying a house with my brother, but it looks like that’s gonna fall through so now, depression. :upside_down_face:

Understandable… My mentality is not being the best atm either :pleading_face:, but your mod does help lighten my mood :grinning:

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i dont seem to be able to click on skills after chosing a class. the window seems distorted.

the window is “transparent” when i click on the + i just walk

any suggestion what i can do here?

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Try verifying the game files. If that doesn’t work uninstall and reinstall the mod.

Uninstall your ui mod

thanks very much for the welcome and the suggestion.

it didnt work. classes in regular GD work fine, just not in grimarrrilion

i renamed the UI mod folder. that worked. thanks so much

If you need a ui nod for grimarillion there’s a separate one in the grim ui thread.

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Sorry was really busy. Yes Earth / nature are really strong. But I play on a high difficulty. The one thing that Grim has the variety of builds. Yes TQ has but it is basically axe/bow/sword/shield and staff I think. Ok throwing weapons as well but I hardly see that as a proper weapon.

I actually did a 2 handed axe wielding glass cannon build with earth. She hits like a truck but man she his about no life to tank on high difficulty. The build is actually kill before being killed. Took a day off so gaming a little today. I am gonna kick back put on the loudest metal and scrim Grim :smiley: or I’ll put on metal gummi bears to piss my sister and neighbors off :rofl:

High difficulty shouldn’t matter, Earth/Nature is strong regardless of difficulty, it’s just a really solid all around class combo. Not that squishy either, between the resists from buffs, the flat/% dmg absorb, and the flat/% HP…

Hey guys good afternoon

First time playing Rogue class with the mod. I think it is a bug, but the Rogue’s Lay Trap skill seems to miss targets “on purpose”. Most noticeable against heroes and bosses ofc. They fire in a trajectory away from the target like this:

O <------Target
\ /

Is this happening for you guys aswell?

I was hoping to create a Rogue + Demo based on Traps and Mortar, seems fun… I just need to learn how to use these traps correctly

I’ll have to look into it but basically the rogue traps use a projectile nova skill. It’s not intended for them to miss their target but it’s probably unavoidable because of the projectile nova. Iirc you can get additional projectiles for it, see if that helps it fire more accurately.

Yes more projectile helps. Luring the boss/hero on top of the trap helps also, but against fast monsters the traps still miss on purpose so kiting is a bit of RNG.

With 7+ projectiles won’t be much of an issue but idk if it can get that many projs.

EDIT: But yea, they always miss, if the hero wouldn’t move and you put a trap in front of it, it wouldn’t land a single shot

EDIT2: With 5 or 6 projectiles the traps start aiming at the single targets. I have 6 projectiles and the trap always aims 1 at the boss now. Just need to have a bit of patience to get there :slight_smile:

I have a question…
SR can drop skeleton key dungeon boss’s MI ? or not ?
and another MI can drop in SR ?

Don’t know about skeleton keys, I doubt it.

MI can drop from chests in Sr I think, not sure.

Asylum, this doesn’t make sense to have Scatter Shot on it. Far as I know only Hunting and Demon Hunter have Scatter Shot and both are for ranged weapons, not melee.