[REL] Grimarillion v93

Implements - Zenith Lightning Implement - Does not work
Axes - Zenith One-Handed Melee Weapon - Does not work

Staves - Zenith Lightning Staff - Does not work

Armor - All tested, Does not work
One caveat, Foci - Zenith Focus, Does work

Accessories - All tested, does not work

Thanks for looking into this :slight_smile:

The left side is the original text, and the right side is your rainbow text. The question now is which one should I refer to when translating?

I updated my file from v89 to the most recent one (v90a) but now every humanoid enemy is T-posing. I tried both replacing old files with new ones and doing a fresh install of Grimarillion.

It’s my first time updating the mod so i won’t rule out that i did something wrong

Edit: It seems to affect all of the humanoids belonging to Cronley’s Gang and Chthonians, every over type of enemy seems to work normally, like the humanoids in AoM

Thanks for the report, I’m honestly surprised no one mentioned this earlier… no idea how this happened. Somehow the male animation table got scrubbed. Will post another update tonight.

Thanks, I had missed those when I compared them. Corrected.

v90b Changelog

Fixed Zantarin (and all other skeletons) missing 2h weapon animations.
Fixed an issue where all new Zenith crafted items would not generate Evoker Affixes.
Fixed an issue where 1h melee Zenith crafts required scrap metal instead of Zenitham.
Updated 1H Ranged, 2H Crossbow, 2H Melee Zenith crafts pool of base items, adding more higher level options.
Fixed an issue where male human NPC animations were completely missing. Oops…?

If you already installed v90a, you can install the hotfix. Only MEGA Links for now, will wait til tomorrow to see if we get any new catastrophic errors…


Hotfix Only:

Just checked and the npc’s are back to their normal behavior, thank you very much for the quick fix!

Edit: Hostile npc’s are back to normal but seems it also happened to some stationary guard npc’s

There are some that move and attack normally so it’s not all of them.

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v90b returns to the previous dislocation of v90.

Also, why can’t I talk to Mazaan?

Classes related to Evoker in Zenith are not displayed correctly. Perhaps some combination names are missing.
For example, Evoker (Zenith)+Wizard (D3)=(13 and 17)=Tag not found: tagSkill.
Using v89 tags_grimarillion_classnames.txt it will show “Master of Magic”.


Because there is a lack of relevant content in the corresponding text of v90a.
Moreover, there are two repeated passages in this text “Necrotic”.

Here is the text I checked:
tags_grimarillion_classnames.txt (30.9 KB)


Thanks. As a temporary measure, the Rainbow file was modified based on this.

Hello, is there anyway in this or maybe you can refer me to another mod that I can just get more (new modded) items for the base game + expansions? I don’t want to expand masteries or anything like that I just want more variety and more items to be able to find than what the base game + expansions offer.

You can choose to not play the new classes, I am not aware of a pure item expansion

Thanks again, not really sure why this keeps happening but the next update should have this fixed.

Right, forgot about having to adjust that every time I update Darkest Dawn…

Dunno, works for me.

Yes, thanks for the report. I have my tags in google sheets and somehow the ones for Wizard returned an error and just output blanks. Dunno how but it’s fixed now.

Thanks everyone for your patience, I’ll wait a little bit and post another update tonight if no one posts any more issues.

For me, I can converse without problems. Perhaps there is a problem with your installation or the Settings folder.

v90c Changelog

Fixed an issue where Wizard class combo tags vanished
Fixed an issue where some female human NPCs were T-posing
Fixed an issue where Illusionist and Reanimator had the wrong mastery enumeration.
Removed pet bonus to Visage of Giyua

Hotfix Only:
(Requires v90b)

Hi again!
More testing on the Zenith Blacksmith in the personal hideout trying to craft items for my Evoker:

Zenith Belt - Working

Zenith Caster Chest Armor - Not working
Zenith Chest Armor - Not working
Zenith Heavy Chest Armor - Working

Zenith Greaves - Not working
Zenith Heavy Greaves - Working

Zenith Focus - Working

Zenith Gauntlets - Not working
Zenith Heavy Gauntlets - working

Zenith Caster Helment - Working
Zenith Heavy Helmet - Working
Zenith Helmet - Working

Zenith Heavy Legguards - Working
Zenith Leggings - Not working

Zenith Heavy Shoulderplates - Working
Zenith Spaulders - Not working

Zenith Loop - working
Zenith Medal - working
Zenith Pendant - working

Please let me know if you need any further details, more than happy to help out.

Alright thanks, I’ll get to those. Not a gamebreaking issue so I’ll probably wait a week or so before I do another update unless there’s something big.

Apologies but i missed one thing, it doesn’t happen every time but seems there is an animation for haedrig that inniates when you enter the hidout (i see it most often when i revive there) but it only lasts for a few seconds before he goes back to normal. It’s just a minor thing and at best amusing but it doesn’t hinder his functionality.


Yeah, that’s a minor issue and afaik that’s how it comes from D3 mod. Missing transition animations think.

@Grimer idk if this is something you know about.