[REL] Grimarillion v93

Thank you for updating the Warfare WPS to work for 1H/2H in addition to DW. It resolves the problem I was having when deciding how to respec my Terror Knight, which leans heavily on 2H options.

Also loving Dream, the more I play it. It’s so remarkably versatile, it can work with almost any other spec in the game. I was wondering about Astral Rift, though. I see that it summons an invisible sort of pet that moves with you, such that it behaves as if you were firing the attack when using the Pet Attack command. Do the Rift’s abilities scale fully with all applied player bonuses, and convert with the player’s conversions? I loves me a good Murderbeam skill in any game, so if Astral Rift’s physical damage can be converted à la carte and scale accordingly, it might just become my favorite skill in the game.

For everything I post here there is one thing sure: I is not meant to be negative. I love Grimarillion. It’s an awesome mod compendium and I enjoy every minute of playing it. I just want to post bugs so the mods / devs of this mod can see it and decide if it’s needed to be changed or if I’m just to stupid and got something wrong.

With this said I defnitley appreciate the work you guys took on your backs and wish you all the best of luck in updating the mod’s.

Atm arrived at broken hills on lvl 38 and wanted to share my Diablo 3 Items (or low D3 items) I’ve got till now for further information if needed bc of the latest posts about no D3 items dropping. When I’ve finished my journey to a cartain spot, I will post it again. But it will take some time I guess :slight_smile: (playing on Grimarillion_v60d)



I wasn’t able to look it up this morning, but now that I have GDStash at my disposal, I was able to confirm what I suspected. There are 2 Healing Rods in the item database, and the image you showed previously was the one with the fixed skill bonus change, but the one I have is the one with the original skill bonus.

Yes it scales with player damage. Idk if the tooltips can be seen but the skills all deal physical dmg, the idea behind that was so that they could be altered with Dreamer’s Flux as well as any other conversions you find.

Yes you are right. I forgot I did this. Long story short, I did some spring cleaning/reorganizing months ago and forgot to fix the loottable to point to the new directory for staves. This actually explains quite a few tag issues I’ve noticed people posting… so thanks for this.

The ones you’ve X’d are the ones you’ve found until level 38? I think the problem arrives at certain level thresholds but I dunno… hopefully it will be fixed soon, Grimer sent me some files and I’ll have to work on it over the weekend (my free time ! :eek:). Keep us updated.

Yes it scales with player damage. Idk if the tooltips can be seen but the skills all deal physical dmg, the idea behind that was so that they could be altered with Dreamer’s Flux as well as any other conversions you find.

Mark, known bug, just read the discussion on the thread…

Forgemaster, yeah recipes are missing, will be fixed next update. Not sure if all of them will be back but as many as I could find will be back. (had to get them from a backup)

Black Pearl, last time I tried it worked…

Spears are backwards, yes. Until someone fixes it for me, or tells me how, they will stay this way. Augments, I’ll see if I have time to fix it.

Not sure yet that we want to do anything drastic such as completely redoing the loot system. Maybe one day, but atm players have more requests than modders have time.

Thanks! I make liberal use of conversion on my Dream-specced characters, because the skillset it so amazingly flexible. Glad to hear that the Astral Rift scales directly with player damage and conversions. Wasn’t quite sure how it worked since it was a pet based ability. Really do love the way Dream works, and have used Flux and other conversions to blend it with almost any class.

As for the Black Pearl items, so far I’ve had the amulet make the ring and the ring make the amulet, but I’m always able to craft both. Which is fine as long as you know that going in! Those things are the lifeblood (or part of it) on my Zenith characters, and 80+ GQ characters.

About the D3 items…

That’s how it should work(should… we’ll know for sure after u guys have tested it)

Since there are just a few D3 items, compared to vanilla, I divided them into 2 packs:


There will be 50/50 chance to drop a specific vanilla armor or any D3 armor. The same rule is applied to weapons.

EX: 50% to drop a vanilla epic* shoulder armor and 50% to drop any epic* D3 armor (and rings)
EX2: 50% to drop a vanilla epic* sword and 50% to drop any epic* D3 weapon (and offhands)
*legendaries as well

If anyone thinking outside the box could find possible issues with this method, let us know before Asylum release the new update.

100% agree.

Not totally sure where the feelings of negativity or whatever are coming from. From what I’ve read in this thread things have been pretty calm and respectful.

Sounds good for the D3 mod as an approach, for Grimarillion there should be uniques from the other packs (ie Grim Quest, really) in that 50% chance as well I believe

As you are in the middle of getting a big update ready, I was hoping you’d answer a few GQ questions / requests as I’m not familiar with some of the GQ mechanics.

For Earth’s Earth Enchantment (Physical to Fire), Storm’s Storm Nimbus (Physical to Lightning), and Storm’s Arctic Shell (Physical to Cold), how much flat damage do each of the skills give you and your pets, and how much conversion is there (at soft cap and max overcap)?

Earth enchantment is shown as an aura so pets should get the rest of the buffs in the line, but Storm Nimbus and Arctic Shell are buffs to players and have separate pet toggles, so I assume they wouldn’t be able to take advantage of Static Charge + Ice Song, respectively. If that’s the case, would you please change it so that pets can have the Cold / Lightning % damage as well as the player? I know TQ only reserves those % damage bonuses to the players, but I find it silly that pets don’t get to take advantage of those nice damage bonuses.

Additionally, the Dark Frost (Cold to Vitality), Aether Nimbus (Lightning to Aether), and Flames of Tartarus (Fire to Chaos) abilities that grant damage conversion, would it be reasonable to ask that pets get to take advantage of this as well? It would multiply the amount of build possibilities by having pets with a lot of good damage conversion possibilities, and I would personally love to try a Diviner’s Spirit build that has Reap Spirit’s Cold Damage converted to Vitality.

I’m very excited about how the new update will turn out.

Does this mean that any time it does a true return for an epic/legendary it will weigh D3 and Vanilla equally and do a 2nd or 3rd roll of 0 or 1 to determine if it is a Vanilla or D3? 0 Vanilla 1 D3. I know I am definitely probably oversimplifying the example but yah…
Do GQ and Zenith items drop in a different manner?
And I assume this will level check so if I was over 94 mythical high end legendary will drop only?

I still propose a solution where when a Vanilla legendary drops a D3 one does as well. And a mysterious locker option like Cata does could work as well. Wherein the locker could yield a D3 item. This also allows for potential green D3 items if that is something that gets done and also perhaps more additions of sets. Just speaking out loud here… haha I suppose that could get into a issue where too many items will drop. Of course with Mob density as it is a 50/50 will still yield a good return.

Perhaps if it is possible to put specific sets and items within certain areas? Like Steps of Torment could have Crusader set as well as vanilla/misc D3 drops. I have no idea how complicated the system allows for with regards to loots though. It seems obviously convoluted with a system that doesn’t allow for general overrides and requires a completely different mod for even the most minute change.

Looking forward to the update with drops so I can get back to playing my Holy Hunter.
I assume there is no way to allow unique classes to play in Crucible with new loots?

Update on the Item-Drop-front: Atm arrived at lvl 54, finished Act 3 and wanted to share the actual drops I got since my last post (since Borken Hills):

I get many D3 drops. Hope I listed them all corectly. Also some GQ items but atm from lvl 50 till 54 I get many lvl 30 D3 items. Not a single “Empowered” item unitl now. The list includes the items from A1 till broken hills. Haven’t stashed them.

Green items also contain sometimes mods to skills from GQ, Zenith and D3.

Also found an missing “L” that could be added if you consider it that important, Asylum.

So for now I hope I could help you with the delivered data. From my point of view it seems like D3 items drop way to much, but I think that’s an rng thing and I haven’t finished normal yet. Guess the amount of Epic-Items will be more interesting on elite.

Wish you all a nice weekend. hf & gl in Grimarillion.


Edit: Until now I haven’t seen a single Mark of the Traveler but I know you are aware of that.

It’s not the RNG, I messed it up. Just wait for next update and I hope all items will be dropping

Just to want to make it clear: I’m not posting things for calling someone’s fault. I massivly enjoy this mod, but I just want to give feedback about everything I can, bc I’m not into the work you guys to with these mods. Thats why I just post this. If you don’t need it I wont furhter post it an wish you all the best of luck and keep it up. But also enjoy the weekend. After all you shall keep the fun on it.

I know and thanks for that, I’m just saying that the problem with D3 drops has been identified already. However, feedback about any other issues (tagnotfound, wrong level requirement, etc) would be good, ofc.

Hi all, this is a greatest mod id ever seen and really enjoy it! Thans for work!

just want to ask 1 thing, so:
-can this mod work without xMonsters density and if its, how can i change it to normal or leave hero monsters as it is curently and only change to normal regular monster density (would be nice to get instructions or download link with this changes). In some locationts with like a 20-30 monsters on a screan my fps drops to the ground.
Thanks for reading and hard work on this mod, keep it up!

Good Morning,

Still playing my Master of Magic (Elementalist & D3 Wizard). Don’t know what it is, but since I skilled and use Teleport from D3 Wizard I can’t use Pyroclasm from the Elementalist skilltree. There is no CD, Skill is available, I get the visual effect of pressing the button, but skilll isn’t activating and no cooldown is started either. Skill still ready but character doesn’t cast it.

Greetings Nbg

Edit: Thies doesn’t happen every time, only from time to time. Also the Crabs in Gloomwald & Ugdenbog seem to get 99% lightning res when going under 10% life. But also here not every crab. Hero-Crabs get sometimes completley immune to every sort of elemental damage (tested with pyroclasm, Fire Hydra and Chain Lightning). Can someone tell me what this is? Have to admit, that I have never played my Warder into the Addon with my Ultos set so I can’t say if thats normal.

  1. Edit: 1. While going threw the Acient Grove Quest from Mogdrogen, I came to the Neutral Trade Plant and the components where shown like this
  2. The Quest “The Final Seal” from the Coven of Ugdenbog does not spawn the “Stone Basilisk”, that you have to deafeat to finish the quest. Didn’t work two times. At the third time I used an online Host and didn’t spawn the Ice Wall from Elementalist and slowed the killing of the mobs and I got the spawn from the Basilisk. Don’t know what was wrong with it.


the Pyroclasm issue is happening to me as well, also Might of Magic does this, although lot less frequently. It has nothing to do with teleport skill from D3 wiz. It helps to teleport to town, cast pyroclasm there, then back to where you were, and will work for another 5 minutes :slight_smile: Also i think this inability to cast pyroclasm has something to do with area you are in. If you cannot cast it, just ignore the skill for a minute and continue onwards, it will become castable again.

This used to happen with Hydra as well (idk if it’s still happening tho). It must be some weird bug with the game itself.

Pyroclasm is set to have one projectile at any time. If you want to cast it again you have to wait for the duration to time out. AFAIK this only happens at higher ranks when you have a good amount of cooldown reduction combined with the enhanced duration that comes with ranks.