[REL] Grimarillion v93

Hi, i just wanted to list some stuff i recognized while playing threw Grimarillion until act 2 Ultimate.

  • When i crafted the Black Ring i got the amulett
  • I wanted to craft a legendary lvl 65 chest for my Wizard, but it needs a Arcane Lense, that never drops in the mod (1x ult, 2x elite full, 4x vet full).
  • When u cast Mirror mages while they are active sometimes just one spawn instead of 4. One time at a portal the number of my mirror mages changed each time a new wave of enemies spawned, without pressing the skill meanwhile.
  • The barrier of the Outrider doesnt work (get fully ignored by enemies) while the icy barrier of the Elementalist works pretty good.
  • The high cd skill with the knockback at outrider did nothing for me when i activated it.
  • Is it meant to be that Mark of the Traveler doesnā€™t drop?

Overall had alot of fun with the classes and wanna tryout some more stuff in it :wink: Thanks for that great mod merge overall!

Make that another person who hasnā€™t seen any Mark of the Traveller drops!

Love the mod, most powerful build so far has been Riftstalker / Nature with Riftblade as my only damage spell, plus Inhuman Reflexes and Intangible maxed out. Destroys enemies and has good life-steal too. Then I take Heart of Oak from Nature for the insane HP boost.

:smiley: Just found Fists of Thunder from the Raiment of a Thousand Storms set. Loved the name Mantle of the Upside Down Sinners.

Small typo for the set - in Scattering Blows description it reads ā€œeletricā€ instead of ā€œelectricā€.

I had the same bug, it was from Meteor Shower (Ulzuin Torch).

But I donā€™t have Torch yet so that wasnā€™t what caused it. So far only Anvil and Tempest for constellation procs.

Are you sure you donā€™t have any projectile-raining proc (from gear maybe)? If yes, then this bug probably was from this undead hero: https://www.grimtools.com/monsterdb/1709/skills

Um, might have been Molten Orb. Thatā€™s equipped.

Seems that floating projectile mystery is solved now :smiley:

Another 50h feedback, now with my Flare Shepard (Earth+Monk):


  1. Uncontrollable Blaze. Not worth to take since it adds a CD to ring of flame, so no permanent RRā€™s (or iā€™m wrong?). My suggestion is to remove CD, lower AoE bonus to +3m, rename it to ā€œChaotic Blazeā€ and add -20% chaos RR (good synergy with Flames of Tartarus Fire->Chaos conversion).
  2. Soften Metal. -%OA debuff here is a bit overkill, it nearly removes any need in DA. Reduce -%OA scaling up to -15% at max 22/12.
  3. Heat Shield. Tried to take this skill 3 times - on 30lvl, on 80lvl and 100lvl. And everytime ended up completely dissapointed. 3sec duration is really low, it wont save you or give any dps boost (via heat shield modifiers). I suggest to increase duration to 5sec, reduce cooldown to 5sec, lower damage absorb to 140 on 12/12 and 215 on 22/12, increase reduction in burn duration to 33% on 12/12 and 66% on 22/12, add +3% max fire resistance on 12/12 and +6% on 22/12.
  4. Volativity. Crit bonus should be toned down to 14% on 22/12. Volativity already gives amazing bonuses.
  5. Brimstone. Scalable 5%/level burn duration will be a good addition to this passive.
  6. Cremate. Reduce bonus crit damage scaling up to 40% at max 22/12.

/Earth relics/

  1. Eye of Ra. %Damage/less damage from Insectoids is useless, as thereā€™re no strong insectoid bosses or even nemesises. Change it to Undead with 10% damage/10% less damage values. Change proc activation template to 10% chance when hit, reduce duration to 6 seconds, cooldown to 8 seconds, remove weapon damage.
  2. Might of Hephaestus. Change 20% damage to constructs to 20% damage to chtonics. Granted skill - Iron First, is fine, except burn part, which last only 1 second and have tiny base damage. Bump it to 2 seconds and x4 base burn damage.
  3. Dragontongue. Reduce Fire/Chaos RR to -18%, swap duration/cooldown from 3/6 to 6/3, increase chance on attack to 10%.

/Defense relics/

  1. Star of Ishtar. Change proc activation template to 10% chance on attack, reduce cooldown to 2 seconds, increase summon limit to 7 scimitar spirits. Let the massacre begin :slight_smile:
  2. Lionheart. Add +400 life and +20% vitality resistance, change proc activation template to 10% chance when hit, reduce cooldown to 12 seconds, increase armor bonus to 100.

/Warfare relics/

  1. Blood of Ares. Increase activation chance to 10% when hit, reduce cooldown to 10 seconds.
  2. Talisman of Jade Emperor. Remove CDR bonus and change proc to support aura:

Presence of Emperor Mau-Dā€™uyhn (Granted by Item)
Mighty Emperor guides you and your allies in battle.
5 Active Energy Cost per Second
200 Energy Reserved
15 Meter Radius
+15% health
+15% cunning
+2% max pierce and bleed resistance
10% physical resistance
20% reflected damage reduction
20% reduced stun duration
12% chance to avoid projectiles

/Other relics/

  1. Heart of Earth. Add +1 to earth mastery, change proc to bonus damage aura (similar to Eye of the Storm):

Fireborn Aura (Granted by Item)
Empower yourself and your allies with the power of a molten core.
3 Active Energy Cost per Second
150 Energy Reserved
15 Meter Radius
28-52 Fire Damage
20% Chance of 212 Burn Damage over 2 Seconds
+150% Fire Damage
+150% Burn Damage
30% Fire Resistance
295-414 Fire Retaliation

  1. Elemental rage. Reduce ADCTH to 4%, increase activation chance to 10% when hit, add electrocute damage with same base damage as fire/frostburn to proc, and reduce cooldown of proc to 3 seconds.
  2. Arcane mirror. Change proc activation template to 100% chance on 40% health, change duration to 4 seconds, add 100% damage absorb.
  3. Maiden Kiss. Change proc activation template to 10% chance on attack, reduce cooldown to 10 seconds, reduce chance to avoid melee/projectiles to 30%.

/Some flaws i noticed while leveling/

  1. Darius Cronley dont scale past 35lvl on normal and 72lvl on elite.
  2. Harrath the Slaughterer dont scale past 40lvl on normal and 76lvl on elite.
  3. Gulgoth the Rampaging dont scale past 69lvl on elite.
  4. Mythical Natalyaā€™s Sight cannot be sold to vendor.
  5. Ballog Nath the Hellfire dont scale past 76lvl on elite.
  6. The Amalgamation dont scale past 79lvl on elite.
  7. Wraith of Sorrows dont scale past 79lvl on elite.
  8. Dralgar, the Keeper of Burrwitch dont scale past 85lvl on elite.
  9. Soul Quencher, Spear of Dryads and Penetrating Spear of Kā€™kbi drops much more often than any other items.

Cheers :slight_smile:

After defeating Fleshweaver Krieg at the west end of the Fleshworks, the Aether Barrier did not open. As a result, I had to go to another place with a personal rift and return to the Fleshworks.

I just took my main SSF pet build to level 100 with 50 devotion shrines - just finished Ancient Grove in Elite (I did a lot of bounties to get extra XP / faction), so shortly, Iā€™ll be ready to try out all the different pet build combinations and see how good they are with BiS items.

Soul Quencher, Spear of Dryads and Penetrating Spear of Kā€™kbi drops much more often than any other items.

So Iā€™m not the only one experiencing this, thatā€™s good. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a level restriction thing, I have to check and see whether all those items are level 75, which would explain why they drop so frequently since the other items are too low of a level to support.

I had a few things I wanted to report as well. From Grimmest:

  1. None of the monsters unique to the Ancient Grove scale to the playerā€™s level. Enemies in the Ancient Grove and have counterparts elsewhere in Cairn scale fine, itā€™s just the enemies that are exclusively located in the Ancient Grove do not scale.
  2. Kraā€™vali fight is bugged. I didnā€™t realize why until I recognized itā€™s a three-stage fight like the Loghorrean is, except after the first phase, instead of transitioning into the second stage, Kraā€™vali just dies. Itā€™s a bit jarring to take a Boss to 70% and the next moment itā€™s dead.
  3. Nemesis monsters do not scale to your level in Elite. Iā€™m not sure if this is intended or not.

From Grim Quest:

  1. Nature Mastery - Svylan Nymph is a weird skill. It starts off as Physical / Pierce, but then you have the option of converting that into Elemental / Acid. Pierce being converted to Acid wastes its potential as thereā€™s no DoT component to Piercing. Iā€™d rather switch it so that Physical is converted into Acid and Pierce into Elemental.
  2. Secondly, you have Corrupt Nymph, which converts 100% Elemental to Vitality, but Nature class has no Vitality RR while it has Elemental RR (not to mention any %bonuses from the Kodoma are also wasted). Unless you can make it a group-wide buff where other pets can convert Elmental to Vitality, it seems like a very poor skill.
  3. Iā€™ve checked a few of the Legendary Staves that give pet bonuses. The Riddle of the Sphinx converts Elemental to Vitality, but then it also converts Physical to Fire? Any base Fire damage you have already would just be converted to Vitality, so unless youā€™re trying for a wacky Fire/Vitality pet build, I donā€™t see how this item is useful.
  4. The staff that converts pet Physical to Acid is a cool one, but only having 33% conversion with no further support isnā€™t going to help much. There should either be class support (like Earthā€™s Physical to Fire or Storms Physical to Cold/Lightning), or other items that give that conversion as well.
  5. There are a few other Sartyr relics that provide -30% RR in addition to Dragontongue. Theyā€™re only Empowered Relics and yet Mythical relics would kill for that amount of RR. My suggestions: for the Physical / Elemental RR, you can either keep the magnitude and make it flat reduction, or reduce the RR to about 15% or so. Dragontongue is fine to reduce to -20%RR as Chaos resistance is a hard-to-find RR source.

Presence of Emperor Mau-Dā€™uyhn (Granted by Item)
Mighty Emperor guides you and your allies in battle.
5 Active Energy Cost per Second
200 Energy Reserved
15 Meter Radius
+15% health
+15% cunning
+2% max pierce and bleed resistance
10% physical resistance
20% reflected damage reduction
20% reduced stun duration
12% chance to avoid projectiles

If youā€™re going to make it an aura, can you please replace one of these stats with some Pierce/Bleeding Resistance? Pierce Resistance is a very hard-to-find bonus for pets so it would be nice for some items to give them a bone in that department.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys. It means a lot for the health of the mod that people take the time to play and report potential bugs or balance concerns rather than just being satisfied with everything being OP or useless.

  1. Uncontrollable Blaze. Not worth to take since it adds a CD to ring of flame, so no permanent RRā€™s (or iā€™m wrong?). My suggestion is to remove CD, lower AoE bonus to +3m, rename it to ā€œChaotic Blazeā€ and add -20% chaos RR (good synergy with Flames of Tartarus Fire->Chaos conversion).

Good idea. The original plan behind Uncontrollable Blaze was so that you could try and use it as a main source of damage but the RR game of GD is too important, so losing out on that RR during the downtime sucks.

  1. Heat Shield. Tried to take this skill 3 times - on 30lvl, on 80lvl and 100lvl. And everytime ended up completely dissapointed. 3sec duration is really low, it wont save you or give any dps boost (via heat shield modifiers). I suggest to increase duration to 5sec, reduce cooldown to 5sec, lower damage absorb to 140 on 12/12 and 215 on 22/12, increase reduction in burn duration to 33% on 12/12 and 66% on 22/12, add +3% max fire resistance on 12/12 and +6% on 22/12.

Iā€™ll have to look at it again. I might have to make other adjustments to the whole skill line. ATM I think it is balanced to be similar in power to Inquisitorā€™s Seal, except you can walk around while itā€™s active instead of being tethered to one spot. I forget what I balanced the cooldown around though.

  1. Volativity. Crit bonus should be toned down to 14% on 22/12. Volativity already gives amazing bonuses.

14% total, or per stack of Volativity? IIRC it can stack up to 3 times.

/Some flaws i noticed while leveling/

  1. Darius Cronley dont scale past 35lvl on normal and 72lvl on elite.
  2. Harrath the Slaughterer dont scale past 40lvl on normal and 76lvl on elite.
  3. Gulgoth the Rampaging dont scale past 69lvl on elite.
  4. Mythical Natalyaā€™s Sight cannot be sold to vendor.
  5. Ballog Nath the Hellfire dont scale past 76lvl on elite.
  6. The Amalgamation dont scale past 79lvl on elite.
  7. Wraith of Sorrows dont scale past 79lvl on elite.
  8. Dralgar, the Keeper of Burrwitch dont scale past 85lvl on elite.
  9. Soul Quencher, Spear of Dryads and Penetrating Spear of Kā€™kbi drops much more often than any other items.

1,2,3,5,6,7,8 Grimmest bugs, will have to wait for Jiaco to take a look at those. Many of them should be fixed when I release the next update.

4, will show this to Grimer.

9, dunno why this is. Might be related to the currently borked loottables, could be something else.

So Iā€™m not the only one experiencing this, thatā€™s good. Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a level restriction thing, I have to check and see whether all those items are level 75, which would explain why they drop so frequently since the other items are too low of a level to support.

Not sure itā€™s related to this. Penetrating Spear is level 46, Spear of the Dryad is 69, and there is one other 69 spear, the Last Emperor. Are you guys not finding the Emperor? Regarding staves, there are many more lvl75 staves (11), dunno why youā€™d be finding more Soul Quencher than anything else. The loot table is pretty much identical to a GD vanilla oneā€¦



And I havenā€™t even touched it since I started working on an update. So if anything, itā€™s just RNG or black magic. :eek: If itā€™s still not working in the next update (which the changelog is so big now it will be v61 instead of a small hotfix 60e), then I might redo the levels and scaling on spears. (again). Not that it will help, but looking at the levels compared to vanilla GD items or even my staves which I redid already, makes me sad.

[li]Kraā€™vali fight is bugged. I didnā€™t realize why until I recognized itā€™s a three-stage fight like the Loghorrean is, except after the first phase, instead of transitioning into the second stage, Kraā€™vali just dies. Itā€™s a bit jarring to take a Boss to 70% and the next moment itā€™s dead.[/li]> [li]Nemesis monsters do not scale to your level in Elite. Iā€™m not sure if this is intended or not.[/li]

More stuff for Jiaco. :smiley:

[li]Nature Mastery - Svylan Nymph is a weird skill. It starts off as Physical / Pierce, but then you have the option of converting that into Elemental / Acid. Pierce being converted to Acid wastes its potential as thereā€™s no DoT component to Piercing. Iā€™d rather switch it so that Physical is converted into Acid and Pierce into Elemental.[/li]

How are you intending to add any flat IT to the nymph?.. She doesnā€™t have any source of IT, and Iā€™m not sure any skills or items exist that can do such a thing. Iā€™ll probably swap it anyway though. Natureā€™s Wrath is intended to give the nymph a bit of extra power by adding AOE (Pass through) and pushing her more into a desired nature summon that synergizes with the plague debuff. More info on natureā€™s wrath belowā€¦

[li]Secondly, you have Corrupt Nymph, which converts 100% Elemental to Vitality, but Nature class has no Vitality RR while it has Elemental RR (not to mention any %bonuses from the Kodoma are also wasted). Unless you can make it a group-wide buff where other pets can convert Elmental to Vitality, it seems like a very poor skill.[/li]

You can get Vitality RR from another mastery (shaman, necromancer, occultist, spirit, dream) and the Kodama grants % All Damage and %OA to pets. Unless you are doing a hybrid build, I wouldnā€™t say the kodama is wasted. Not to say that the Corrupt Nymph transmuter is perfect, Iā€™m sure itā€™s far from it. Truth is, itā€™s actually outdated since I reworked ā€œNatureā€™s Wrathā€ to be a passive instead of an activated skill, to make it more like Necromancerā€™s Will of the Crypt. That said, Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ll really change it to anything else. It took a lot of work to make the texture and the 26 different files for the pet (forewarning to any would be modders, stay away from pets if you value your time, no scratch that, stay away from modding)

[li]Iā€™ve checked a few of the Legendary Staves that give pet bonuses. The Riddle of the Sphinx converts Elemental to Vitality, but then it also converts Physical to Fire? Any base Fire damage you have already would just be converted to Vitality, so unless youā€™re trying for a wacky Fire/Vitality pet build, I donā€™t see how this item is useful.[/li]

Itā€™s hard to come up with hundreds of new skills and items that are interesting and different from one another AND retain some of the original stats from the items/skills. Tbh it was a mess before I modded it, the original item is this:


A lightning staff that adds vitality modifiersā€¦ Good for dream/storm mastery, maybe? Doubt it, thereā€™s so many better choices. Total flop of an item altogether. I had to throw on the pet stats because there are not very many vanilla TQ items with them (literally only 5 in vanilla, and one of those is from Ragnarok which is not part of GQ)

[li]The staff that converts pet Physical to Acid is a cool one, but only having 33% conversion with no further support isnā€™t going to help much. There should either be class support (like Earthā€™s Physical to Fire or Storms Physical to Cold/Lightning), or other items that give that conversion as well.[/li]

Rogue has a physical to acid skill, you can grab another 30% for pets if you hit 22/12, otherwise 25% at 12/12.

This post might be a mess because it took me a long time to compile my answers to each thingā€¦ Lol

some weird bug with Natalyaā€™s and idk why, itā€™s not untradable

For pets and conversion in general, devotion procs bound to pets get the pet bonuses, including their conversion, so the Physical to Acid conversion would only be useful for binding devotions like Bull Rush. I happen to like Bull Rush a lot for pets, but the Nymph likely isnā€™t a good choice for it.
Now that you consider it, Iā€™m not sure whether Physical to Acid would be better than Physical to Elemental. I admit Iā€™ve been mainly ignoring the Nymph since the Wolves and Force of Nature are better in almost all aspects. My first build Iā€™m going to try with BiS gear is Nature + Arcanist Elemental pets, so Iā€™d suggest you hold off on that decision until I see how that build plays out.

I made a poor choice of words about the Kodama bonuses, I was lazy and didnā€™t spell it out specifically, but I meant that the corrupt Nymph loses the bonus +Elemental damage by keeping the Nymph as Elemental instead of Vitality. That being said, Superfluffā€™s vanilla Guardianā€™s Gate build is the gold standard of Vitality pets, and Iā€™d have to dig real deep to find anything that could surpass that. Nature is a great supporting class, heck Refresh alone is so good you can justify using it for that alone, but with Vitality pets, I see other classes shining for that damage.

Itā€™s hard to come up with hundreds of new skills and items that are interesting and different from one another AND retain some of the original stats from the items/skills. Tbh it was a mess before I modded it, the original item is this:


A lightning staff that adds vitality modifiersā€¦ Good for dream/storm mastery, maybe? Doubt it, thereā€™s so many better choices. Total flop of an item altogether. I had to throw on the pet stats because there are not very many vanilla TQ items with them (literally only 5 in vanilla, and one of those is from Ragnarok which is not part of GQ)

One of the reasons I wanted to take up Grimarillion was to see all the crazy combinations you can make when you add the GQ and D3 pets in the mix. Iā€™ll be glad to suggest niches for these items or ways to make new pet builds out of the different GQ skills and summons; I had been pushing for Elemental conversion for pets since I learned that the Elemental to Poison conversion on Blood of Dreeg with the Venom Launcher + Putrid Necklace didnā€™t convert pet damage :(. Having pets that have >80% Elemental converted to anything really opens up the pet options, so if anything, Iā€™d beef up the Elemental conversion and dump the Physical to Fire conversion.

Rogue has a physical to acid skill, you can grab another 30% for pets if you hit 22/12, otherwise 25% at 12/12.

I somehow completely missed the Rogue class when it came to pet abilities, heh. Iā€™ll add it to the classes to try, though Iā€™ll have a hard time figuring out which class works best with it. My first bet is Witch Doctor, but Iā€™d have to dig deep and find out how good the equipment is.

Oh, forgot to clarify - per stack :slight_smile:

Thanks for all answers! :wink:

Bug or wrong description for Corpse Spiders in the Witch Doctor mastery. Says each jar spawns 3 Black Widows, but just trying this mastery out in ungrim v60b and only one spider spawns per jar.

Edit: Also not sure if itā€™s intended or a bug, but the corpse on the Lower Crossing bridge oftens spawns items several times. I just rifted back to DC to go to Hargateā€™s Island and clicked on it 4 times with items spewing out every time.

I forgot to remove it from the description, I will add a different bonus.

/Some new bugs/

  1. Serenity from Kodama skill grants only 1% CDR instead of 10.
  2. Psionic Artery %health/energy regen do not work.
  3. Reoccuring Nightmare not affecting cooldown of Distort Reality.
  1. Yep, I forgot to give the Kodama scaling levels on Serenity somehow.

  2. The % health/energy Regen is definitely workingā€¦ how did you test it? Itā€™s only activated after Psionic Touch is triggered

  3. It only works for staff/offhand atm, probably a bug, so Iā€™ll fix that.

I tested with sword and shield: