[REL] Grimarillion v94a

U must have bad luck ,maybe use external program to change world seed (if I remember good,that is how saves in TQIT worked and Crate is Author of TQ and TQIT ,game engine is nearly this same :wink: . As for me ,there is no problem ,they drop normally.
Topic of reply is a mistake :stuck_out_tongue: EDIT: No problems with any of the Marks :slight_smile:

Hmm, I also seem to be in bad luck. I also never saw these two components.

And the display of previously reported Homestead merchantā€™s components becomes a checkered pattern. The problem on this display was the same for the merchantā€™s components in The Blood Grove.

Besides, I think that the items of D3 fall off the enemy with abnormal frequency. Most of the Epic items I got so far are D3 items, and the traditional items are being banished to them.

Not possible for this to be just luck for both of those marks. I am level 90 now and not one single mark or piece of them. I have not done anything besides put the mod (first 60c+ and then d)
I am wondering what I could have done to alter the seed??
Is there some way to reset the seed?
It is strange because both of those were my most common drops in vanilla game.

Yes that is how my Homestead merchant looks for me. And I am level 90 without a mark of illusion or mark of traveler. (Can not craft certain things)
I personally am playing a D3 character and have to disagree the frequency of D3 versus vanilla game still leans towards vanilla items.

I still can not get the forge for reskill to show up on outcast either.

What forge? There is no reskill.

I know it has been said that the loot tables havenā€™t been modified but there is certainly something happening where vanilla items are not dropping as regularly as modded ones.

In my run through Act 1 I found probably 50 spears and 3 vanilla two handers.

Maybe weird luck but it certainly looks as though the loot tables are not equally distributing modded items.

Also there seems to be something going on with some monsters where they are much stronger than their counterparts. Mostly the hero monsters. The on-death acid and elemental attacks are incredibly powerful compared to general attacks. Because of the monster density this can quickly get out of control as the death clouds seem to stack their effects.

Ahh ok. The post for this Mod has reskill as part of the compilation right after people are lazy.

Better keep the discussion in hereā€¦

Different files goes to a mastertable fileā€¦ this mastertable goes into mobs files.

About componentsā€¦
The weight value to most vanilla rare comps is 100. No changes were made.
To Imperial gems, the weight value is 70. To Royal ones, 30. Was intended to make them rarer than vanilla ones, similar to Arcane Lens droprate.

Imperial/Royal gems only starts to drop after level 30 though (or even this isnā€™t working as intended?). The only explanation would be the game giving preference to the last loottable unlocked. If this is a old config rule, I didnā€™t know it.

Yeah I forgot to edit it out when I removed it from the other parts of the post. Reskill is not part of the compilation anymore, IIRC I was waiting for Ceno to update for 1.0 6.0.

Better keep the discussion in hereā€¦

Different files goes to a mastertable file, this mastertable goes into mobs files.

About componentsā€¦
The weight value to most vanilla rare comps is 100. No changes were made.
To Imperial gems, the weight value is 70. To Royal ones, 30. Was intended to make them rarer than vanilla ones, similar to Arcane Lens droprate.

Imperial/Royal gems only starts to drop after level 30 though (or even this isnā€™t working as intended?). The only explanation would be the game giving preference to the last loottable unlocked. If this is a old config rule, I didnā€™t know it.

I wonder then why do mark of traveler and mark of illusion not drop for me at all in normal vet game? Could they be overridden by something I did prior to playing the Mod?

I killed Log and it said unlocked Apex difficultyā€¦ what is that does that show up after Ultimate or is that a change to the underlying difficulty for the mod?

Do recipes drop based on character or mob level or will I eventually fill out my empowered and transcendent relics?

Imperial/Royal gems only starts to drop after level 30 though (or even this isnā€™t working as intended?). The only explanation would be the game giving preference to the last loottable unlocked. If this is a old config rule, I didnā€™t know it.

Afaik this is exactly how the LT files work. Do you have descriptions enabled on dbr editor? For LT it shows this:

Which I understand as anything above 1 (first entry) will use the first tdyn table, anything above 12 (second entry) will use the second tdyn table, and so on as you add more tdyn tables and thresholds.

Anyway. I may have fixed it, I just tested it out and played for about 30 mins or so, managed to find one Mark of Illusions and Mark of the Traveler. Seems like the culprit is either A) bad build, weird GD issues, or B) LT conflicts as I outlined above. Either way, it seems to be working now, so for the next update we can assume this will be fixed.

Nice. I just saw a ytb video, some guy playing D3 standalone with mark of illusions on his rings, so probably it was a merging-conflict problem with Grimarillion after all.

TYVM!! Really appreciate that next update it will be fixed.
Still wondering about recipe drops. I am trying to fill out the empowered and transcendent relics for creating the mythical. Will the lower level recipes drop with my character being level 95 now?

cant craft the black pearl items at all clicking combine does nothing even tho i have everything needed to craft them it also happened in v060c but before posting i noticed d was the lastest and tried updating to see if it would fix it but still not craftable

is there a 5th item needed to craft them that isnt shown?
5 blood of chā€™thon 1 mark of myrmidon 1 bindings of bysmiel 1 radiant gem (also 125k iron bits but not counting that as an item)

i figured out why i cant craft them seems crafting is level locked never knew that ā€¦

I can also confirm the checkered pattern on the merchants, and hopefully the component issue is fixed as ASLYUM mentioned above.

Bug Report: The Healing Rod (Gin Yang or something like that, the Epic staff with the circuit breaker) thatā€™s supposed to give skill bonuses to one of the Kodomaā€™s skills (I think it was Renewal that you removed in one of the TQ updates) still has the tag not found.

Second Bug Report: This is specific to D3, but the second skill in the Monk skill Blinding Flash (Aim towards the Light, I think) the reduced damage from Undead does not work - the Undead tag is not properly applied and a null: tag not found is in its place. The Cthonics tag is working properly.

Yeah, can confirm that checkered pattern appears on vanilla components in Isaiah Reddanā€™s inventory in Homestead and Benevaldā€™s inventory in Blood Grove.

Havenā€™t installed 60c yet as Iā€™m waiting for ungrim to join it, but playing ungrim v60 I didnā€™t get the note for the Hidden Wealth side quest spawning. I looked over all the Infested Farms and Rotting Croplands areas plus checked all the building several times and no luck.

Does Grimarillion work with Grim Internals (Anybody tested this)? Iā€™m fearing to implement it and to destroy the game files/characters.

Just got through Act 1 on elite at around level 93-96 and not a single D3 gear item dropped. TQs items seem to drop just fine. Not sure how many items there are for that Mod? to put it into perspective I think I found about 30 -35 Unique epic/mythical, legendary vanilla items or more during Act 1 compared to 0 D3 ones.

I am curious when it rolls for a mythical/legendary drop does it roll for chance to drop then roll from loot table of drops?
Ex: roll 1-10 (if 5 drop mythical/legendary) roll loot table of all mythical/legendary.
If it is something like this it is possible to have it drop from 3 separate loot tables when the call for a mythical/legendary returns true.
Ex: roll 1-10 (if 5 drop mythical/legendary) roll vanilla, roll D3, roll TQ loot table.
So whenever a vanilla mythical/legendary drops a D3 and TQ will also drop.
Of course I do not know how complicated it would be to have it check for mastery use. As in if D3 mastery give better chance to D3 or if TQ mastery give better chance TQ drop.

Also are special chests/containers working as intended? Since Grimmest has us leveling so fast I am curious. Normal Vet container drops regular epic/ possible legendary. Elite difficulty drop empowered item range. Doesnā€™t seem like containers check character level or chest/container itself is tagged with a level?

Recipe question I asked before. Since we level so fast I am at a loss it seems of how to fill up my lower level relics and components and other recipes. I already started getting Malmouth recipes for components before act 4 in normal vet and so far it seems level matched?

Sorry for wall of textā€¦ thanks =)

D3/Vanilla are on the same pack. TQ has its own. If D3 82+ items arenā€™t dropping, I guess Iā€™ll have to separate D3 from Vanilla then :eek:. Only after xpac2 release thoā€¦

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