Removal of Phys -> Ele from Shard of Beronath for meme builds

I don’t think any strong Pierce / Physical build uses that, they need better DARs.
What do you think? Do you need this conversion? It could always be compensated somewhat.


would also allow a few sparse/rare phys memes to go less punished :sweat_smile:

Like physical AA reaper :raised_hands:

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Pierce builds can already do a lot of things. I would leave it as it is.

There are no top builds with this though so why not.

That is because it has only 124 % weapon damage…

Being selfish, I want phys->vit from Haunted Steel removed as well :joy:


It’s a cheap AA replacer and not a phys to elemental conversion tool. Opening it up for more meme auto-attackers would be great.