Request to add bleeding damage to bone harvest's dread

This will open up blood knight to bleeding ritualists.

@rhylthar: What do you think, old man? :stuck_out_tongue:

And nerf

  • All the lukewarm vitality builds that use it
  • All the lukewarm cold builds that are converting it

I feel like most people skip dread because of its confuse effect…but that’s just me.

I think it’s great, especially in Bone Harvest centric build like Soulrend. Why not bleeding since it can’t be converted anyway and keep the decay?

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Good call. Add bleeding damage on top of vit decay. Love it.

EDIT: TItle changed

Why not. Since Guillotine supports Necro, why not give necro couple of sources of Bleeding damage. Maybe add some Bleeding to one of the wps too.

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Exactly Guillotine is great example for BH weapon since it have big damage and no attack speed+RR mod to Necro skill.

I would have to shuffle some points on my Ritualist to get it but I would appreciate it. At the moment, I use Reaping Strike and Necrotic Edge as WPS which is good, but to get a line with Bleeding Damage (including active skill) would be nice.

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@rhylthar: How many non-attack-replacer-skills have bleed damage which isn’t trivial?

What do you mean exactly?

Things like

  • Ring of Steel
  • Blade Arc (when used as a nuke)


I think, that´s all. My One-Mastery-Shaman uses Primal Strike, too. :joy:

Yeah, that’s what I meant.

Thanks for the…list? If you could even call it that. :rofl:

Well, to be fair, there are

  • Tectonic Shift
  • Blitz
  • Shadow Strike

Last two as proccer for Devotions. There are of course spells like

  • Devouring Swarm
  • Grasping Vines
  • Siphon Souls
  • Curse of Frailty
  • Bloody Pox

Shadow strike does not deal bleed damage IIRC.

And the damage on those skills are negligible…aren’t they?

EDIT: Blitz and CoF also doesn’t deal bleeding damage.

You are right, misunderstanding.

I won´t say negligible…Devouring Swarm and Grasping Vines clear trash very well. 2.500/sec and 2.100/sec is quite good. Blood Boil with 4.500/sec (14/12) is great.

Right, thanks for that clarification rhylthar. :slight_smile:


After doing some testing runs with Bleeding DK (still undecided) last night, I really would like to have Bleeding Damage on this skill-line. It would fit and take a roll as trash clearer and devotion proccer like Grasping Vines for Shaman. Add some (more) Bleeding RR to Necormancer and it would be a very good support class for Bleeding Builds (like Occultist) or will perhaps even open up things like Bleeding Casters (because there is currently only 1 good AA-Replacer for Bleeding).