Reset a difficulty or character options

Hi, sometimes I complete quests incorrectly or get undesirable results (the guy guarding a child attacked me) which lead me to the feeling that my current character is ruined and I delete him and start over. And I don’t like doing that.
Can developers make an option that would erase a particular difficulty level, so I could play it the right way?
I even know a cool solution for that - potion of oblivion, which you could craft and drink on particular difficulty to have it erased. You don’t lose stat points and quest rewards, you just don’t get them next time you play the difficulty again.
Also I would like to have a potion that would reset a character completely, including specializations.
Thank you.

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Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

If it’s the quest I’m thinking of that one is a random result so you have no influence on the outcome. Otherwise quests often give you choices, but it doesn’t mean you’ve done them incorrectly, just differently.

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