Retaliation damage added to attack and conversions

Which of the two occurs first?
If I have physical retaliation on e.g. legs, and i use rightous fervor with transmuter (from skill or an item) that transmutes physical to Something, the ret%TA damage will get transmuted, right?
And does it get boosted by standard %dmg, ret%damage, or both? :stuck_out_tongue: (both would be OP af)

Unfortunately that page havenā€™t been updated (yet?) to include retaliation damage added mechanic.

From the discussion in this thread, especially sir spanksalotā€™s answer on p4, i would say that the retaliation damage added to attack is a skill modifier (at least when it come from ā€œRetributionā€ skill), is added before any conversion and thus will indeed be converted.

gets boosted by % retal and is converted