Retaliation Warlord - 100% block

Btw,just noticed leveling tips,is really recommended to level with Cadence?Guardins with VM or classical Forcewave Soldier route should be better!

I noticed Targo’s Hammer is not bound to any skills in your latest builds. Is it not used?

That’s OPs recommendation but leveling with RF/Retribution + WPS + Ascension + Guardians works totally fine. The AOE’s you get off of Smite and Shmash give you quite decent clear speed even before Counterstrike comes online.

Grim Tools sometimes bug with devo bindings

Well id just like to Thank Khaop, ya_, and Superfluff…

You guys little (sometimes heated… but healthy) discussion has actually helped me personally quite a bit. All you guys need to argue more often, the rest of us can learn a lot. hahaha

Seriously reading this thread alone helped my build more than half the other guides around here. just from the comments and discussion around most of the guides. THATS where the wealth of information about the game and making “Your” build better in general is…

So, just how hard has Retaliation been beaten with a nail-bat with the latest patch?

With all procs on i seem to have lost between 30-40% dmg (looking at tooltip).

With overguard active its around 40%.

Havent tested in SR but since the build wasnt immortal (i was actually dying more with it vs my DW DM Inf or Acid Dervish - Slow and mana regen are huge problems for the build in my experience).

Lets see sensi Fluff`s update :slight_smile:

Not hard enough, still a very strong build from my estimations. Even if it lost half damage it would still be a strong build, but it didn’t lose that much. Thematically, the 100% block version i’ve posted here is probably too troublesome to be worth it now, but fear not, it was not the most powerful choice before nerf! And as far as i understand, the leech isn’t tied to retal damage at all so it will still be able to survive almost as good as before, just slight shield nerfs mitigated by already taking most shield devotions.

I should post the update to this build. Got lost in the forum rollback, all my hard work!

Well. Many phys Retal builds are nigh unkillable so that seems about right - you trade offence for defence.

EDIT: What khaop said

It’s sad to where Grim Dawn is headed. There were people talking of ‘certain’ builds being forced to use ONLY certain items. That would basically put this game closer to D3 since what skills you want to use locks you into certain sets there.

Physical Retal is basically mediocre now. Highest possible damage I ever inflicted was only 568K. With this nerf the 100% block verion will be lucky to hit 341K damage. Unless I was fighting big packs of mobs, most of the time retaliation did less then 180K damage.

Yet all these builds that are able to do hits of over 700K and even 1 million damage pretty much remain untouched.

LMAO. These builds you speak of are GLASS cannons which:

  1. Require skill to pull off
  2. Involve taking risks
  3. Are FAR more inconsistent (did you know that shields can block DoTs?)

If I’m DW’ing, it makes sense to me for my character to deal twice as much damage.

ONLY 568K? Christ some caster builds and range builds barely makes 400k:rolleyes:

Having 200k dps while immortal is ridiculous, this isnt even account for the 400k retaliation stuff.

My personal highest on build i posted just before is 960k or something, but this was playing with my mate i think he may have had some rr, not sure.

Alone it was, before that, 760k, ironically it happened in the first 2min from testing the final build after throwing on items and venturing just outside town, and hours and hours later i still had that as max hahaha.

You also gotta remember, those are not crits, they are the regular damage they take when striking you. On top of that comes procs, your own attack etc. Plus the builds are default super tanky so they don’t waste time to kite etc and can just charge into danger.

Using Righteous Fervor, I never even saw crits any higher then 120K, with most hits being 60-80K damage.

Hardly immortal. Couldn’t tank Callagadra for longer then 6-8 seconds at a time then had to kite til devotions were refreshed (died twice before filling winning). Yet someone posted their build of face-tanking Callagadra through everything in about 5-6 minutes with lots of ADcTH and probably high physical resist.

Let me just put it this way, i’ve seen class cannons on dps focused itemization trying to max dps on some type builds not coming close to clearspeeds of old retal. It won’t be THAT much worse.

Telling you, retal is still gonna be a very strong type build if done right.

Callagadra on again previous build i posted took 2-3 min, and i had to dodge it some 2-5times when it was getting risky just to recoup. Life leech was the secret, and if i put mega focus on armor or health it would have been a lot easier as the danger is just the oneshot bursts.

Took me 8 minutes to do Callagadra and I guess I was missing 30% ADcTH since I didn’t stand in one place.

And ‘strong build IF done right’ most likely means a build I won’t enjoy playing. I despise builds that have 9 different hotkeys to manage and even 4-5 is pushing it. I just prefer builds that are as UNcomplicated as possible.

I understand you - but really callagadra is the exception! It just deals so much damage that unless you have mega armor(it deals many smaller phys hits), or mega health(so you can sponge bursts) and lots of leech it will destroy you.

In the next patch I think ill be able to record you a cakewalk SR 75-76(good farmrun), just to show you how efficient and ruthless it is, if my predictions are correct. Right now i’m entering SR 75-76 bossrooms with 9-11min+ left on timer and can facetank it all.

The actual build here in the OP the 100% block one it’s not really so good, and it lacks resistances and leech to handle harder content it’s my first version.

If you really think retal doesn’t have enough power/advantages in next patch, i’ll tell you outright you won’t like much builds except the most way overpowered in the game because retal is extremely strong, safe, and very braindead to maneuver. Facetank mode, 2-4 cooldowns, doesn’t need dodge stuff.

There’s already plenty of generic cookie-cutter retal builds that have around 70% block chance and use Absolution instead of Citidel relic. If I was going to use one of those builds I would have already done so when FG launched.

Okay, okay, well i can’t tell you what to do.

I will point out though, everything from devotions(requiring multiple abilties to trigger multiple of them) to the power of various cooldowns in grim dawn lends itself very much to a playstyle where optimization means to use several abilties/cooldowns.

I’d say if you really didn’t like these things you can specc out of them, but i think you just can’t get the same performance without pressing stuff. Man, i also love braindead playstyles the most, and if i could i’d have a few abilties only 2-3, maybe 4 and that’s it so i really get where you are coming from, i just try to work with what is here.