Riggs "Bargain Help" Achievement and his associates spawns

The achievement states “Slay 5 associates of Riggs in a single journey”

I have been trying this achievement for quite some time now and have NEVER found more than one group of these associates no matter how much I clear and scourge the Forgotten Gods areas.

My questions are …

  1. Can there be multiple associates at DIFFERENT locations in a session ( I have not seen this)?
  2. Does a new session ALWAYS spawn with at least 5 or more associates at different locations or can it just randomly spawn with less than 5 and no matter how much you search you are on a hiding to nothing as you have found the only ones that have been generated?

My gut feel is that it usually spawns less than 5 available in a session, so that the achievement is not actually possible until you get a session that has 5 or more spawned associates somewhere.

I do find them, but as stated I can only find one group of them and then no more.
The best I have found to date was a group of 3 around the Abyd waypoint, but that was it!, even after a loooong clearing session in FG.

Do you just have to be lucky in that the session has at least 5 of them spawned somewhere, or am I just missing some point or trick and these guys can really hide in some obscure places I am not aware of?

Believe me, it is not due to my lack of scouring and searching the areas thoroughly.

I found this to be very hard to do as well.
What I ended up doing was looking at the spawn zones on GT and clearing them one by one, and like you there were times I just couldn’t find more than one or two groups and I ended up reloading several times before I got 5 in one game.

There might be a better method of doing it though.

I’m aswell trying to get that achievement right now with one character and I never encounter them more than a group of four. So yes, I guess you had to be lucky enough to get 5 of them with some kind of rng miracle…

Edit: I just got the achievement. It took an hour or so to find the second group of them and just a few mins later I found the third group also. Apparently their maximum number is 4 in a group and they have a lot of spawn points(according to grimtools). So You need to encounter two groups of Associates of Riggs in two different places. I searched the FG step by step, every corner of each area so I can’t really say that for any place; these spots are worth looking for. But I also learned that they have very good loot, and Totems+Heroes+Kaisan+Those fellas worth searching for… Now on I’m never going to pay my debts to Riggs before a few FG farm :slight_smile:

IIRC you can talk Riggs after finishing the quest, and you should be presented with the option to toggle the Associates or Riggs spawns on and off at your leisure, so there should be no need to leave the quest incomplete for farming purposes. In fact, I actually got the achievement AFTER completing the quest.

Also, I found this thread, which might be of help in hunting them:

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OMG, I never noticed that with the other characters which I completed the quest, cool detail though. Thanks for informing :slight_smile:

  1. Yes.

  2. I guess so, usually there are many more. In fact a couple of days ago I wanted to test something in Ultimate where I declined to pay my debt unlike what I did in normal. So I wanted to kill all of Riggs’ associates after he threatened me and see how he will react (unfortunately nothing happens when you kill all of them). So I went through all the areas that can spawn the associates (most of act 7 actually) and killed 12 in total. I am not sure it is 12 every session but my guess it is often a high number. I found something like this 3 3 3 2 1 in 5 places.

You can find all of the possible spawn locations on GRIMTOOLS.


Note: Basalt Craigs and iirc Valley of the Chosen are 2-pieces areas. This means at some point you will be in Basalt Craigs then you will enter another area then you will find yourself again in Basalt Craigs.

Edit: Grimtools show the areas that spawn them not the exact locations. But I took myself screenshots of some of the locations where I found them in the run I talked about. I will upload them shorty.

The associates’ locations are my character’s locations in the screenshots below for some spawn areas. For the rest just try for yourself.

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Thanks guys.
I have now managed to get the achievement.
It is just really luck of the draw, perseverance and a grind to find them.
Fortunately it was not too much of a grind for me as I was hunting Kaisan at the same time so you get the chance to kill two birds with one stone.

I found these associates on a SR dive 20-25, a group of 3, and then got another group of 3 outside on the same session, and didnt get the achiev. So i’m guessing SR doesnt count.

Just a few more places to help with anyone trying to complete the achievement

Sorry for making it 3 posts, but the forum didn’t let me post in just one

Thanks. Just killed 2 in Temple of Osyr and 4 in Temple of Ateph.