savagery physical/bleed warder using shard of beronath

Hey guys, as per title, currently running a physical/bleed warder. However i feel that the whole savagery is pretty underwhelming especially tenacity of the boar(would rather invest the points in field command). Recently managed to farm a shard(thank you elite cronley) so was wondering if thats a better replacement?

Current weapon is stone fist rebuke with orelan’s blood.

I don’t think I’d ever do that. Savagery at 16/16 is 160% weapon damage and gives bonuses to relevant damage types vs Shard’s 135 and small elemental damage. Sure it frees up a lot of points but I don’t think you really have a ton to do with those points. I’ve got a primal strike druid and warder (which were both savagery at one point) and I can’t imagine ever doing what you suggest. Big DPS loss for your auto attack and any skills that use % weapon damage

Flat damage is rare % damage is everywhere

Actually, for 1-hander, 16/16 Savagery deals 172.5% weapon damage. For 2-hander (with 3/3 transmuter), it deals 189.75% weapon damage.
Shard of Beronath deals 148.5% weapin damage.

Savagery is better. MUCH better.

Was going off the top of my head for savagery :stuck_out_tongue:

The % weapon damage part of these skills doesn’t scale up with the charges. Only the flat damage part does

Well, I guess the consensus is to stick with savagery. Thanks guys.

Thing is, Maxed Savagery is 16+ points, Beronath’s is 0. So you can take those points and put them elsewhere in your build.

Well, 20-25% TOTAL damage boost is surely worth 16 points.

Savagery is better. MUCH better.