Sawmill - Wood Planks & Output Storage


I’m having a bit of a trouble with my saw mill since the update. My Mill is equiped with full staff, the output storage with 25 planks is filled rather quickly. But as soon as its full the workers stop (idling - unable to work) instead of taking the planks across the street to the stockyard and despite having lots of idling laborers, no one seems to feel the need to emty the output storage of the saw mill. Due to this trouble my stockyard (only accepting wood planks) is mostly empty while the saw mill workers refuse to work because their output storage is full.

Edit: I did restart the game / reload the save and tried the previous auto saves but the result remained much the same.

Looks like old issue.

Thx, while a restart only fixed the problem for a short while relocating fixed it for the duration of the playtime and beyond.

it is not a great solution but for me when this happens the following works

relocate the saw mill to same spot. If that doesn’t work delete it for real
and build a new one. (The relocate works most of the time)

when you delete for real the planks will sit on the ground and get picked up
by laborers. The new building starts the supply chain fresh.

What is this from?

If you are running mods, make sure the issue reproduces without them.

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Yes it is a mod but the issue came up with and without the mod enabled. I always disable mods as soon as something seems odd and re-enable them piece by piece, though atm I’m only using this one to speed up my city testing. Anno 1800 modding taught me a lot of patience in trial & error ^^

Anyway, ever since relocating the saw mill it works as intended.

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