Secret Area

Hey all,

I’ve explored a lot and found this secret area in East march. Ofc, it’s already known but it’s empty.

Anyone knows what it is for?

Spoiler tags welcomed :slight_smile:

Probably created long ago by someone who decided against using it as a secret spot and simply forgot about it.

If we are talking about the place where the five-pointed star is, I am pretty sure there is a Hidden Spoils chest the first time you get there and a normal one on subsequent visits. Maybe revist the place and turn the cam a bit.

Huh what do you know, there is a hidden spoils there. 2.5k hours in the game and still I don’t know everything. Heh.

After Crate revised Old Arkovia shortly before the release in 2016, it took me over 1 1/2 years to stumble into a new secret area there. :wink:

I checked again. Indeed, there’s a chest hidden in the cliff. I never move the cam’ …

I don’t know if you’re talking about something in the lowest level, or the one where you have to go through the sides. There is a chest, very well hidden (I can provide a screenshot, not now, but eventually in 10 - 12 hours from now. When I first went there, I also thought it’s empty, but the almighty interaction button showed me the light. Hidden Trove.