Shield WPS on medals

The Oathkeeper class is currently the only class which has Shield WPS, and while there are some item mods that encourage non-Oathkeeper classes to use a Shield:

It would be nice to have a medal, relic, or both which has a Shield WPS. We already have melee and ranged WPS on medals, even for classes which aren’t typically dual ranged, so I would appreciate something to make Shield melee a little more interesting.

There are several Mythical relics that don’t give bonuses to a class and don’t give much in terms of bonuses; Reckoning is the main one that comes to mind right now, but I’m sure other underused medals or relics could use a makeover as a more shield-oriented item.


i recently learned that we’ve actually had “shield wps” since AoM :laughing:
and tho oathbreaker and stronghold aren’t technically "shield"wps they do require the shield to get the granted wps

but yea, +1/im totally onboard with more (non rata) shield wps to make Sword & Board be a little more shiny :+1:

cold S&B infil ? :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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